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Facts & Numbers

Telecommunications and Multimedia

At CTM, our vision is to promote a lively and sustainable world where networked intelligence enables ubiquitous interaction with sensory-rich content. Our mission is to develop advanced systems and technologies to enable high capacity, efficient, and secure communications, media knowledge extraction, and immersive ubiquitous multimedia applications.

We work in 4 main areas of research: Optical and Electronic Technologies, Wireless Networks, Multimedia and Communications Technologies, and VCMI (Visual Computing and Machine Intelligence).

Latest News

INESC TEC with five FCT exploratory projects approved in four R&D areas

Telecommunications and Multimedia, Applied Photonics, High-assurance Software and Advanced Computing Systems – these are the four domains that INESC TEC researchers will explore within the scope of the five projects that were approved through the Call for Exploratory Projects promoted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

02nd October 2024

Artificial Intelligence

Já arrancou o primeiro projeto europeu liderado pelo INESC TEC na área da saúde

Chama-se AI4Lungs e tem como objetivo desenvolver ferramentas e modelos computacionais baseados em Inteligência Artificial para otimizar o diagnóstico e o tratamento de doenças pulmonares. Através de uma abordagem holística e multimodal, os investigadores vão criar uma solução de cuidados de saúde personalizados para doenças respiratórias. No final de fevereiro, representantes das 18 entidades parceiras do projeto, provenientes de 10 países, reuniram-se no INESC TEC para assinalar o arranque do AI4Lungs.

01st April 2024


Europe discusses collaboration opportunities in high-frequency wireless communications

Smart propagation environments, improvements in signal processing for the sixth generation of mobile communications, and 6G-centred network and location developments were some of the topics discussed at an event organised by the European projects TERRAMETA (coordinated by INESC TEC), 6G-SHINE and TIMES, in collaboration with RESTART-IN – an Italian PRR.

06th March 2024

Artificial Intelligence

INESC TEC researchers work on the first prototype that applies AI to colorectal diagnosis developed in Portugal

The work behind the first prototype that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) for colorectal diagnosis was fully developed by Portuguese researchers INESC TEC, and the IMP Diagnostics Molecular & Anatomic Pathology laboratory; the work featured in the renowned international scientific journal npj Precision Oncology ( ).

05th March 2024

INESC TEC researchers led discussion on wireless communications and computer vision at GLOBECOM

After almost one year, the CONVERGE project (coordinated by INESC TEC) has already showed relevant outcomes at one of the main conferences of the IEEE Communications Society, the GLOBECOM (Malaysia) – namely, through the organisation of a panel. “Convergence of wireless communications and computer vision: a new paradigm created by the CONVERGE project” sought to discuss the new opportunities and potential challenges associated with the use of tools that combine radio with computer vision.

23rd January 2024


Featured Projects


Programa de Formação Avançada Industria 4 - 5a edição




Laboratory of Sound and Music Computing

Optical and Electronic Technologies Research Laboratory

Facts & Figures

19Papers in indexed journals


15Academic Staff


2R&D Employees

