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Facts & Numbers

High-Assurance Software

HASLab is focused on the design and implementation of high-assurance software systems: software that is correct by design and resilient to environment faults and malicious attacks. 

To accomplish this mission, HASLab covers three main competences — Cybersecurity, Distributed Systems, and Software Engineering — complemented by other competences such as Human-Computer Interaction, Programming Languages, or the Mathematics of Computing. 

Software Engineering – methods, techniques, and tools for rigorous software development, that can be applied to the internal functionality of a component, its composition with other components, as well as the interaction with the user.

Distributed Systems – improving the reliability and scalability of software, by exploring properties inherent to the distribution and replication of computer systems.

Cybersecurity – minimize the vulnerability of software components to hostile attacks, by deploying structures and cryptographic protocols whose security properties are formally proven.

Through a multidisciplinary approach that is based on solid theoretical foundations, we aim to provide solutions — theory, methods, languages, tools — for the development of complete ICT systems that provide strong guarantees to their owners and users. Prominent application areas of HASLab research include the development of safety and security critical software systems, the operation of secure cloud infrastructures, and the privacy-preserving management and processing of big data.

Latest News
Computer Science and Engineering

There are bridges uniting biomedical engineering and supercomputing - INESC TEC researchers flew to Barcelona to cross them

For a week, Alicia Oliveira and Beatriz Cepa left INESC TEC's laboratories in Braga and went to Barcelona - the city that welcomed the ACM Summer School. The researchers explored some of the elemental HPC concepts and realised that - in a context dominated by computer science - their training in biomedical engineering was an asset.

31st October 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

Software bugs are as persistent as those in nature - a study by INESC TEC closed in on them

INESC TEC researchers developed the LazyFS tool, capable of injecting faults and reproducing data loss bugs. The solution helps to understand the origin and cause of said bugs, but also to validate protection mechanisms against failures. 

07th October 2024

In the era of pervading data storage, replication can be the key to large-scale systems. Here’s how a INESC TEC research explores these challenges

In a study published in ACM Computing Surveys, Paulo Sérgio Almeida, INESC TEC researcher, synthesises the existing knowledge on approaches to Conflict-free Replicated Data Types, a topic he has been exploring over the past decade. These enable replication in distributed systems with automatic conflict resolution, ensuring high availability – even in the face of communication failures.

04th October 2024

INESC TEC with five FCT exploratory projects approved in four R&D areas

Telecommunications and Multimedia, Applied Photonics, High-assurance Software and Advanced Computing Systems – these are the four domains that INESC TEC researchers will explore within the scope of the five projects that were approved through the Call for Exploratory Projects promoted by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT).

02nd October 2024

Computer Science and Engineering

Edge databases have many benefits — and INESC TEC researchers have dedicated themselves to studying them

The paper Databases in Edge and Fog Environments: A Survey, signed by Luís Manuel Ferreira, Fábio Coelho and José Orlando Pereira - and published in ACM Computing Surveys -, establishes innovative concepts in the edge databases area, resorting to several publications on hardware used, latency performance, energy consumption and privacy. This new type of database benefits from devices close to the users to improve performance and features.

03rd July 2024




Ensino de Ciência da Computação nas Escolas 4



Programa de Formação Avançada Industria 4 - 5a edição





Facts & Figures

0Book Chapters


14Proceedings in indexed conferences


1R&D Employees

