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ATTRACT Acceleration Programme

Participation is free of charge. Apply here until September 16.

The ATTRACT Acceleration Programme is a four-day intensive training focused on scaling businesses with AI/HPC technology. From October 3rd to November 28th, participants will learn growth strategies, market expansion techniques, and how to validate their business ideas and technical solutions. 

Who should attend?

Teams of entrepreneurs, or intrapreneurs (min. of 2 and max. of 5) coming from tech startups (incorporated), and companies at an interim development stage (IRL 3-5*), of a business idea seeking to grow commercial solutions based on AI and/or HPC, in any economic sector.

* *IRL – Innovation Readiness Level


Who can join?

  • Incorporated company
  • Team with min. of 2 and max. of 5 members
  • Innovative business idea using AI and/or HPC
  • Availability to be in presence during 4-full days at IPN, in Coimbra


DEVELOPMENT OF ENTREPRENEURIAL SKILLS: Join hands-on workshops and share of experiences with our entrepreneurial community, to develop essential entrepreneurial skills, such networking, communication and pitching.


GUIDANCE FOR AI/HPC PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT: Get dedicated guidance and practical insights from from the industry and the academia to  better develop  your prototype, minimum viable product (MVPs).


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT FOR AI/HPC: Participate in dedicated sessions essential to accelerate your growth: business models, clients and sales, AI ethics, regulatory framework and IP protection.


MENTORSHIP: Participant teams are paired with experienced mentors and experts who provide guidance, feedback, and relevant connections.


NETWORKING: Unique opportunity to connect with other founders, investors, relevant stakeholders, potential clients and partners, expanding their professional network.


ACCESS TO FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES: Access to dedicated information about private investment, and public funding by connecting startups with potential investors or venture capitalists, along with the presentation regarding other public funding mechanisms. 


DEMO DAY: The acceleration programme culminates in a demo day – a pitch event where startups showcase their progress with an audience of potential investors, partners and relevant stakeholders, with whom there is also the possibility to schedule 1-to-1 meetings.





View the full details here



  • Start

    03rd October 2024
  • Promoters

    ATTRACT European Innovation Hub for Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing
  • City

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