iMan Norte Hub launching session
This session intends to introduce the iMan North Hub, as well as measures to support the industry digitization, and successful cases of implementation of various industrial sectors.
The iMan Norte Hub aims to encourage the digital transformation of industrial companies in the Northern Region of Portugal and stimulate their respective innovation ecosystem, namely through the adoption and dissemination of advanced production technologies.
14:00 | Registration
14:30 | Welcome Session
Rafael Campos Pereira (PRODUTECH)
Ester Gomes da Silva (CCDR-N)
Max Lemke (EC DG CNECT, recorded message)
Ana Teresa Lehmann (Secretary of State of Industry)
15:15 | iMan Norte Hub
Pedro Rocha (PRODUTECH)
15:30 | Round Table: Industry Digitisation: Cases and Success Stories
Moderator: Luís Carneiro (INESC TEC)
Leandro Melo (CTCP) - Footwear
Braz Costa (CITEVE) - Textile
Alzira Quintanilha (CTCOR) - Cork
Hildebrando Vasconcelos (CATIM) - Metalworking
Jorge Laranjeira (Moldit) - Molds and Plastics
Rogério Silva (PortugalFoods I FRULACT) — Agri-food
Susana Pinheiro(UPTEC) - Science and Technology Park
17:15 | Closing Session
17:30 | Port of de Honor