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Seminário sobre Governo Eletrónico e Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG)

Primeira Parte:


Orador: Stanislava Simonová (Univerzita Pardubice, República Checa)

Título:  Approaches of Quality Management for Czech eGovernment

Abstract: Each organization wants to reach good output in a long-term.
Therefore, any organization tries to apply methods for quality management. But quality methods are established especially in production sphere (economic organizations). These methods have the same basic principles – process approach and orientation only on customer’s priorities. The same principles can be applied even for public administration organizations. But these organizations have a delay in application of these quality methods. The questions for the organization of the public are – Does it make sense in public administration sphere to apply methods of quality, which are established for production sphere? Does it make sense to measure the quality by using subjective measures? Does it make sense to use approaches of process and data modeling? The answer to these question are realized projects in some Czech organization of public administration (we participated in these projects of quality).

Segunda Parte:


Orador: Hana Kopácková (Univerzita Pardubice, República Checa)

Título: Geographic information systems in business

Abstract: Presentation will briefly summarize theoretical background of geographical data and main features of GIS analytical tools. Second part will discover potential of GIS in economic modelling and business studies. Real world examples will show the importance of spatial information in decision making.



  • Start

    17th May 2012
  • Contact Name

    Ana Paula Silva