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Past Events

OPEN TALKS | Data Protection and Research

Research in Health Sciences: Legal and Ethical Implications

11th July 2019

Science 2019

Science and Technology Summit in Portugal

10th July 2019

VISUM 2019 Summer School

The seventh edition of the Vision Understanding and Machine Intelligence (VISUM) Summer School will take place between 4 and 12, July 2019, at Universidade Portucalense (UPT), in Porto - Portugal.

12th July 2019


The DIVA project invites you to participate in “BOOST UP DIVA! – EUROPEAN EDITION”, the 1st European DIVA event!

27th June 2019

Workshop INESC TEC

Energy management in the house of the future: new roles and applications

27th June 2019

Financing Opportunities for Energy and Transport on Horizon 2020

04th June 2019

Energy Systems of the Future

R&D solutions and challenges for the future energy systems.

29th May 2019

INESC TEC's industry and innovation lab of - inauguration

The iilab’s inauguration is being made under the event “Tecnologias de Produção e Sistemas Ciber-fisicos” (in English Manufacturing Technologies and Cyber-physical Systems”), an initiative of the Technological Demonstrator promoted by ANI.

28th May 2019

European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

The EUBCE combines one of the largest science and technology conferences with a high quality industry exhibition, attracting biomass professionals from around the globe.

30th May 2019


INESC TEC will be present at 360 TECH INDUSTRY.

18th May 2019

Copernicus meets Galileo - Earth observation - Navigation - GeoIT

Conference and Brokerage event.

08th May 2019

Portuguese Robotics Open

The Portuguese Robotics Open is an event promoted by the Portuguese Robotics Society (SPR – Sociedade Portuguesa de Robótica) that aims to promote science and technology among youngsters, teachers, researchers and the general public, through autonomous robot competitions.

28th April 2019

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