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The Industrial Robotics and Automation Laboratory: New Challenges for Manufacturing and Smart Production is focused on developing cognitive, sensitive, collaborative and safe robot-based automation solutions for manufacturing applications, which support digital transformation, smart sensing and man-machine interaction, and advanced control initiatives in industry.

Created in 2010, the laboratory hosts 15 researchers, 9 on a permanent basis, from INESC TEC’s research centres, CRIIS and CESE.

Location: FEUP Campus, Porto

Research Area

Research Areas

  • Cyber-Physical Systems (Advanced Sensing and Embedded Systems);
  • Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) (Vertical and Horizontal Integration);
  • Additive Manufacturing;
  • Artificial Vision (Perception and Monitoring);
  • Collaborative Robotics (Advanced Man-Machine Interfaces);
  • Automatic / Predictive Control.
Centre and Stakeholders


CentreEnterprise Systems Engineering


UniversityFaculty of Engineering of the University of Porto

Prototypes developed at Laboratory of Industrial Robotics and Automation


Mobile manipulator designed for operating in logistics warehouses in the Automotive Industry - PSA Peugeot Citroen - STAMINA


Mobile manipulators for riveting operations in the Naval Industry - ATEIN Naval, ASTILLEROS JOSE VALIÑA

Collaborative robotic cells

Collaborative robotic cells for welding operations in the Metal Industry (Norfer - COOPWELD and CLARISSA)

Robotic cell

Robotic cell for picking operations in the Footwear Industry (CEI).

Programming industrial manipulators

Programming industrial manipulators by demonstration for painting operations (FLUPOL - SIIARI).
