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Experts in collaborative networks meet in Porto

INESC TEC’s Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering (CESE) organised the 17th edition of the IFIP Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, which took place at the Palácio do Freixo, Porto, between 3 and 5 October.

25th October 2016

Over 60 researchers of 27 nationalities specialised in collaborative networks attended in this event to present and discuss the theme “Collaboration in the hyperconnected world.” This theme is particularly relevant when it is estimated that in 2020 more than 50 billion networked devices will coexist. This high level of connectivity brings about huge scientific, technical, social, political and economic challenges.

In addition to a multidisciplinary and intense scientific debate in the various technical sessions, a panel with several leaders of business associations and technology parks discussed collaborations and knowledge sharing in their organisations. Another panel of young researchers envisioned disruptive scenarios for the future of collaborative networks.

The conference also featured presentations from keynote speakers Paul Smart at the University of Southampton, UK, who spoke about “The Rise of the (Social) Machines”, and Kathleen M. Carley of Carnegie Mellon University, USA, who discussed “Dynamic Networks in the Cyber ​​Mediated World”.

The PRO-VE conference brings together an ever-growing multidisciplinary and vibrant scientific community. The event is sponsored by the IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) and SocolNet (Society for Collaborative Networks) and the conference proceedings are indexed in the ISI Web of Science, which attests to the quality and reputation of the conference.

The CESE team in charge of organising the conference was led by António Lucas Soares (Conference Chair).

The researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with UP-FEUP.

INESC TEC, October 2016