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HASLab/INESC TEC researcher wins IBM Portugal scientific award

Alexandre Madeira, a researcher at INESC TEC’s High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), has won the 2013 IBM Portugal Scientific Award, with the project “Hibridização de Lógicas: uma abordagem genérica à reconfigurabilidade de software” (in English: Hybrid logic – a generic approach to software reconfigurability).

15th July 2014

This research was the result of Alexandre Madeira’s PhD thesis titled Foundations and Techniques for Software Reconfigurability, defended at the University of Minho (U.Minho) in July 2013. The thesis was developed as part of the MAP-i doctoral programme, run by the Universities of Minho, Porto and Aveiro. His work was supervised by professors and researchers Luís Soares Barbosa (U.Minho), Manuel António Martins (U.Minho) and Razvan Diaconescu (Institute of Mathematics “Simion Stoilow” of the Romanian Academy, in Romania).

This is the first time the MAP-i receives an IBM Scientific Award, the most important Portuguese scientific award in the Information Technology and Computing Science area, an award that is strongly valued by the scientific community. 

IBM Portugal has been awarding science since 1990. The goal with this particular award is to distinguish research in different knowledge domains, from Economics to Humanities and Arts, applied to Computing Science, as well as to encourage the relationship between industry, academic and scientific research communities.

It is important to remember that in 2011 Alexandra Martins da Silva, researcher at HASLab, also received the IBM Award for her work “Coálgebra de Kleene” (in English: Kleene Coalgebra). The researcher was the first woman to receive this distinction.

The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this article are associated with the following partner institutions: U.Minho.



Photo credits: Alexandre Madeira homepage