INESC community joins forces to develop a joint research
A workshop in which TR&D’s INESC units attended, took place on 13 March at Coimbra with the purpose of presenting projects that are still in development or being prepared under the theme “Systems and technologies created to support the institutions on incidents management and land use planning”, as a result of the serious fires of 2017.
27th March 2018
A workshop in which TR&D’s INESC units attended, took place on 13 March at Coimbra with the purpose of presenting projects that are still in development or being prepared under the theme “Systems and technologies created to support the institutions on incidents management and land use planning”, as a result of the serious fires of 2017.
Abílio Pereira Pacheco, researcher of Centre for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CITE), was representing INESC TEC with a presentation entitled “INESC TEC research within the FIRE-ENGINE project and beyond – results and recommendations”. The exhibition focused on the FIRE-ENGINE project, which was supervised by João Claro (Member of INESC TEC’s Board) and Richard de Neufville (IDSS, MIT); on the VR2Market project, supervised by João Paulo Cunha (C-BER) and Fernando de La Torre (Robotics Institute, CMU); and on the CoLAB ForestWISE which has been run by INESC TEC.
Besides researchers from INESC TEC, there were also researchers from INESC Coimbra, INESC ID and INESC INOV that intervened in this workshop. They all had the chance to discuss future opportunities, courses of action and the potential collaboration between the several units. With a unique collaboration, it could be possible to create systems and methodologies that meet the institutions and companies requirements.
The researchers mentioned in this news piece are associated with INESC TEC and UP-FEUP.