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INESC Porto carries out study for Mobility Observatory in Lisbon

The Information and Communication Systems Unit (USIC) is currently developing a study for the implementation of a Mobility Observatory in the Metropolitan Region of Lisbon.

30th June 2008

A Mobility Observatory is an instrument that is used to monitor mobility, enabling the generation of information on mobility and its framing. At the same time, the observatory enables the participation in barometer and/or benchmarking exercises at national and international levels, while supporting also the planning and regulation of the transportations.

This observatory also constitutes a scientific base for the support to studies in this field or in interaction with other areas. At the same time, it will support professionals, entities, companies and rulers in their activity as far as mobility is concerned. In conclusion, this observatory intends to be a communication instrument that will promote behavioural changes and mobility patterns.

In concrete terms, the Observatory will be a Decision Support System, gathering data from several sources and producing indicators that will enable the measurement of the implementation of a mobility strategy and act, whenever necessary.

The proposed methodology consists of carrying out visits to International Mobility Observatories – Madrid, Geneva and Genoa; establishing contacts with national entities within the sector that may become partners of an Observatory of this kind; defining a Vision, Mission and Objectives; determining the Business Model and Plan and Entrepreneurial Architecture; preparing the application for the financing programme so that the observatory will be implemented and disseminated.

This project is being co-financed by the Regional Operational Programme of Lisbon and Tejo/Tagus Valley (PORLVT) 2000-2006. This programme was promoted in the context of the European partnership established between Lisbon, Valencia and Genoa in the context of the MARE Regional Framework Operation, led by CCDR-LVT (Commission for Regional Coordination and Development of Lisbon and Tejo/Tagus Valley).

This entity and the Institute for Mobility and Land Transport (IMTT) are responsible for monitoring the observatory.

This study is being carried out by a multidisciplinary team set up by elements from USIC that assure project management. On the other hand, the Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) is responsible for the component of information technologies, assuring also the evaluation of the economic sustainability together with António Pérez Babo, an expert on this area.

There is also an ongoing definition of the Observatory Model and the team is coordinated by António Gaspar.

BIP, June 2008