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INESC Porto develops SIMULOG project

The Manufacturing Systems Engineering Unit started developing in 2007 the SIMULOG project – Simulation and operation of internal logistics systems. This project is financed by PRIME (Incentive Programme for the Modernisation of the Economy), and its main goal is to develop a set of software components that will enable the construction of simulation models for internal logistics automation systems in industrial enterprises. INESC Porto is this project’s sole promoter.

20th April 2008

The SIMULOG project intends to significantly reduce the design, development and testing efforts that these internal logistics automation systems entail (handling and storage of the products during the manufacturing processes), using the ARENA simulation software tool.

This project is innovative in three different ways: firstly, due to the simulation components developed by ARENA, it is possible to create internal logistics simulation systems faster; secondly, the development of simulation models makes it possible to simulate the behaviour of the hardware (sensors and actuators) that is used in internal logistics systems; thirdly, it is possible to create automation components that may be re-used in the development of automation software for internal logistics systems.

The project’s results are directed particularly to companies that design and develop internal logistics systems. At the same time, other entrepreneurial entities (such as entities within the Scientific and Technological System), as well as companies that usually design or audit these internal logistics systems, may also largely benefit from SIMULOG’s results.

Therefore, SIMULOG is a project that fills in the gaps within the national and international markets of internal logistics systems, not only because it enables companies to take fewer risks, but also because it reduces time, as well as development and testing costs at the facilities of the client companies, thus increasing their competitiveness.

Using the developed simulation models, it will be possible to test the control software, even before the physical system is installed at the client company, thus reducing development costs and improving quality. At the same time, it is possible to reduce production breaks during the instalment stage.

The footwear manufacturing company, Codizo, and the internal logistics installing company, Lirel, are currently participating in this project’s execution, while other companies ensure SIMULOG’s demonstrations.

The project’s team is led by Paulo Sá Marques, with the participation of other collaborators such as Fernando Guedes and Sílvia Pereira.

BIP, March 2008