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INESC Porto organises course with Brazilian University

The Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) organised, together with Suzana Borschiver of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, a course on Knowledge Management and Technology Forecast, which took place in April.

27th May 2009

Taking advantage of the fact that this professor, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in the area of Technological Management and Innovation, was visiting our country to participate in an international mobility programme for professors, UITT invited Suzana Borschiver to supervise a set of three training modules with a largely practical component, focusing on the problem of knowledge management in the context of the new economy.

The relevance of this problem, as well as the trainer’s vast knowledge capital, are some of the factors that explain why so many participants enrolled in the course. Other than participants from INESC Porto, the course also included members from the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management (INEGI), from the Faculties of Engineering and Letters of the University of Porto (FEUP and FLUP, respectively), and also from companies such as Shortcut Lda, Mota-Engil and SGPS. As a result, several interesting practical works were presented by the several participating groups during the course’s last module.

Pursuing its logic for the valorisation of knowledge, UITT has also organised, together with the National Institute for Industrial Property (INPI), the Open Week for Industrial Property, which took place between 18 and 20 May at INESC Porto. The programme included several training kits given by two patent examiners from INPI.  The Open Week was concluded with a seminar on Intellectual Property and Open Innovation conducted by the Finnish researcher Marko Torkelli.

BIP, May 2009