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INESC Porto with new QREN projects

Four new research and development projects have recently been submitted to QREN SI I&DT programme (National Strategic Reference Framework - NSRF/QREN) in partnership with the Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM).

28th January 2009

The first project is called "ReCoop: Redes Cooperativas" (Cooperative Networks) and it is included in UTM’s Internet Architectures and Networking (IAN) area. The project will be carried out together with the company Nonius Software Lda. With a three-year duration, the project will cost approximately 700 thousand Euros, INESC Porto’s budget being 200 thousand Euros. The project’s central theme has to do with mobility management, routing and wireless localisation systems. The project also entails the development of a new product for Nonius in partnership with UTM.

The following project "Semantic Pacs" is included in the multimedia component and it has been submitted together with the company Emílio Azevedo Campos and with FEUP. The aim with this project is to develop a software module for PACS systems (Picture Archiving Communication Systems, which are used in medicine. The intention is to help with the diagnosis, enabling the automatisation of the description and semantic research on images in clinical examinations. The total budget for UTM and FEUP goes up to 185 thousand Euros.

Another approved project is the AHRS - Attitude-Heading Reference System. The aim with this project is to develop and implement a computer system based on FPGA technology (Field Programmable Gate Array) as a mixed hardware and software solution. The aim is to develop, create and evaluate the industrial prototype of an Attitude-Heading Reference System based on a high range and high resolution MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) accelerometer. The project’s industrial partner is Spin.Works (

The last project is called "Palco 3.0" and it has already been announced in last month’s edition of BIP.

BIP, January 2009