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INESC TEC director invited for the scientific council of IRESEN

Vladimiro Miranda, director of INESC TEC, has been invited to integrate the scientific council of IRESEN - Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles, an agency of the Moroccan Ministry of Energy, Mining, Water and Environment, which started collaborating with INESC TEC last year, more specifically in project SECRETS (Sustainable Energy Clusters REalized Through Smart Grids).

02nd September 2014

IRESEN is an institution that operates not only as a fund manager – defining research lines in the energy area and evaluating projects submitted by companies and/or R&D centres –, but also as a research centre, promoting projects with local universities, and trying to meet the needs of the country.

As member of the scientific council, Vladimiro Miranda will propose strategic recommendations at the level of research and technological development, as well as assess R&D activities to guarantee the quality and accuracy of IRESEN’s scientific production. The INESC TEC director will also have an active voice in the definition of strategic research policies and initiatives or in the recommendation of partnerships, for example.

IRESEN’s scientific council is composed of nine members who work on renewable energies.

The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this article are associated with the following partner institutions: FEUP.