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INESC TEC highlights Telecommunications area in Open Day

On 7 May, INESC TEC’s Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia (CTM)* organised an Open Day for companies. Project demonstrations, presentations of success cases and doctoral studies completed the programme of the event that gathered the entire CTM community. The goal was to showcase the quality of the scientific production and innovation capacity at CMT. About 20 companies attended the event that will hopefully lead to new ideas and future partnerships.

21st May 2014

In order to promote synergies both in and outside INESC TEC, the Open Day showcased some of the most important and recent milestones that the Centre has achieved, while disseminating at the same time the broad spectrum of knowledge and experience of its human resources. In 2013, UTM had 132 employees, 27 of which were university professors, 38 were PhD students, seven were hired workers, and 52 were grant holders, all working on a total number of 36 projects. These collaborators have also been responsible for a gradual increase in the number of journal publications. Also worth noting is the number of PhD dissertations: three to seven students conclude their doctoral studies every year.

Open Day 1Open Day 2

At the beginning of the session, coordinators Manuel Ricardo and Augustin Olivier described the different areas of expertise at the Centre, as well as its strategic goals and its mission, which is to “develop advanced systems and technology that make it possible to have secure, efficient and high debit communications, to extract knowledge, and to develop immersive and ubiquitous multimedia applications,” stated Augustin Olivier. Carlos Pinho, adviser to the coordinators of the Centre, highlighted the participation of the TEC4SEA research infrastructure, a unique and pioneer platform in Europe created to support research, development and testing in maritime robotics, telecommunications and sensors to monitor the oceans. Carlos Pinho also presented CTM’s research and development lines in this platform: communications between robots; radio, optical and acoustic communication technologies and systems for maritime environments.

Open Day 3Open Day 4

After seven success cases were showcased (“JANUS: A multi-technology solution for terrestrial and maritime vehicular networks”, “Radio over fiber”, “Electronics in health”, “Music recommendation in a Portuguese music social network”, “Breast Cancer”, “Personalised multiview spaces”, New paradigm for the Internet based on publish-subscribe approach (CONVERGENCE)”), 31 PhD students presented, in just one minute, the work they are doing as part of their doctoral studies. The Open Day was concluded with the demonstration of 18 prototypes.

The event was organised by Maria Teresa Andrade, Hélder Oliveira and Saravanan Kandasamy. For more information, go to the webpage of the event.

The INESC TEC researchers mentioned in this article are associated with the following partner institutions: INESC Porto and FEUP.

*former Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM)