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INESC TEC joins Steering Committee of the ns3 consortium

In February, INESC TEC joined the Steering Committee of the ns3 consortium, a collection of organisations cooperating to support and develop the ns-3 software. This is a simulator for communication networks and Internet systems that support teaching and research activities in these areas.

28th February 2013

The consortium was created in order to increase the impact and the use of the ns3 simulator by industrial partners. Other than INESC TEC, the sole Portuguese institution in the group, the Consortium also includes the University of Washington (USA), the INRIA research centre (France) and the Technological Centre for Communications in Catalonia (Spain). This consortium provides a point of contact between industrial members and ns-3 developers, by sponsoring events in support of ns-3 such as users' days and workshops, by guaranteeing maintenance support for ns-3's core, and by supporting administrative activities necessary to conduct a large open source project.

The ns3 is overseen by a Steering Committee composed of individuals appointed by Executive Members of the Consortium. INESC TEC is represented in the group Manuel Ricardo, manager of the Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) of the Portuguese institute.

The simulator of discrete events, the ns3, is the successor of the ns2, and it is one of the most widely used and most prestigious communication network simulators used today. INESC TEC has a long track record supporting the ns-3, a work developed by Gustavo Carneiro, a former researcher at UTM.

UTM/INESC TEC, February 2013