INESC TEC organises debate and technological exhibition about the Energy Systems of the Future
“The Energy Systems of the Future" is the motto for the debate and technological exhibition that will bring together multinational companies, SMEs, researchers, students and members of the Government on 29 May at 2:00 pm in the Main Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP). I
22nd May 2019
NESC TEC is responsible for the organisation of this event, which bears the stamp of the European Commission. The participation is free, however the registration is mandatory until 15 May. Register here.
A drone for inspection of power lines in order to reduce human risk, operational costs and time, a smart home energy management system adjusted to user preferences, a gamification platform dedicated to maximising energy efficiency and equipped with sensors capable of monitoring levels of humidity, temperature, CO2 concentration or brightness, a smart inverter for production and storage of photovoltaic energy in domestic environment and a wireless communications box for application on offshore platforms of renewable energy sources - are some of the technologies developed by INESC TEC in the energy area that will be exhibited on 29 May.
The first part of the event will begin with the presentation of some of the technological solutions that INESC TEC has been developing in the energy area – using new technologies for smart grids, new electricity market models and solutions based on artificial intelligence - and that will contribute to the materialisation of a future vision of a power system with 100% renewable energy.
The second panel will gather experts in the energy area, who cover all the value chain of the electricity sector. António Sá da Costa, former President of the Portuguese Renewable Energy Association (APREN) and current President of the European Renewable Energies Federation (EREF), will participate in the debate, addressing the topic of renewable energies. Aurélio Blanquet, Director at EDP Distribuição, will participate in the debate, giving his perspective on the power distribution grid, while António Ramalho, CEO from EFACEC will talk about technology for the power grids of the future and electric mobility. Jorge Vasconcelos, the former president of the Energy Services Regulatory Authority (ERSE) and current president of NEWES, will share his vision on the electricity markets. Albino Marques from REN and Isabel Oliveira from DECO will present their perspectives on the system manager, transmission grid and energy consumers, respectively.
The event organised by INESC TEC is powered by the Energy Days Initiative, which is organised by the European Commission within the scope of the Sustainable Energy Week. Energy Days are activities that intend to promote a clean transition for clean energy and that can be organised by different public or private institutions in the different European countries.
More information on this event may be found here: