INESC TEC organises energy efficiency workshops
On 21 and 22 March, INESC TEC organized a number of initiatives related to energy efficiency in partnership with other FEEdBACk members.
27th March 2018
The highlights of this event were a guided tour through the building facilities, a focus group and a workshop on why people have energy-efficient behaviours.
All this is because INESC TEC’s headquarters is one of FEEdBACk’s demonstration area that intends to change non-sustainable behaviours related to energy efficiency at the office, at home and even in public spaces, through a gamification app.
The main question asked during the 22 March workshops was: “What would be the reasons that could promote your involvement in a app aimed at changing your energy behaviours?”. After understanding the opinion of some INESC TEC’s collaborators on their current behaviours and how the advantages and disadvantages of a gamification tool could affect their daily routine, the FEEdBACk app will now be developed considering the mentioned needs and reasons.
INESC TEC’s Centre for Power and Energy Systems (CPES) and the Centre for Information and Computer Graphics Systems (CSIG) participate in FEEdBACk project.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 768935.
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