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INESC TEC participates in Open Day on project "schoooools"

On 9 July, there was an Open Day dedicated to the “schoooools” project in which INESC TEC (Associate Laboratory coordinated by INESC Porto) is partner. The aim was to inform partners and the community interested in this area on the project’s progress.

30th July 2012

The “schoooools”, led by Tecla Colorida, a FEUP/INESC Porto spin-off company, is an R&D project that is part funded by the NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework). The aim with this project is to develop new functionalities for the portal, a social and collaborative platform supporting the new digital media, specifically designed for schools. The new functionalities include the support to new audiovisual content formats, as well as the possibility for students to create their own games, online news, radio and TV channels, always in a simple and intuitive manner. Ademar Aguiar, a researcher at INESC TEC’s Information and Computer Graphics Systems (USIG), was the great mentor of this project.

INESC TEC was also represented at this event by Paula Viana, a researcher at the Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit and coordinator of ISEP’s (School of Engineering) team, also a partner in this project. The work led by the researcher is related to audiovisual archive management. The aim is to provide tools that will help students search for and recommend contents. This will help guide searches according to what is in the archive. The other component has to do with developing tools that will facilitate the implementation of collaborative annotation processes. This means that students can insert contents that they have created and ask the community to tag those contents so that access is more efficient.

Paula Viana

Graham Attwell (Pontydisgu, a Welsh research institute for education) was the special guest at this event, which welcomed other partner representatives: Miguel Carvalhais (Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto – FBAUP), Joana Miranda (TVU – University of Porto), Rui Castro and Patrícia Costa (Paulo VI School) and Clarisse Pessôa (University of Minho). As part of this Open Day, the TVU, one of the project’s partners, made a video on “schoooools” (watch here).

Other than the partners that have already been mentioned – INESC Porto, FEUP, ISEP and TVU), the “schoooools” team also includes the University of Porto (U.Porto), the FBAUP, the University of Minho, the RTP TV channel, Microsoft and the Paulo VI School.

Photo 1: JPN (Tecla Colorida)

Photo 2: Tecla Colorida


BIP, July 2012