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INESC TEC researcher leads best Portuguese startup of the year

AuditMark, a company incubated at the University of Porto’s Science and Technology Park and led by Pedro Fortuna, a researcher at INESC TEC’s Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM), was considered the best Portuguese startup of the year by EuroCloud Portugal. The young company located in the city of Porto was chosen for its groundbreaking work in the area of web application code protection.

27th November 2013

According to the jury of the EuroCloud, AuditMark was unanimously selected “for its international impact, potential for growth and innovation, and leadership of the JScrambler product”, which is based on JavaScript. The product is on the market since 2010 and now has nearly 10,000 users from over 100 countries. So far, the product has protected more than 150 million code lines.

JavaScript is a core technology for Internet applications, not only for desktops, laptops, smartphones and tablets, but also emerging applications running on cars or even appliances. According to Pedro Fortuna, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at AuditMark, “without protection, the code of these applications will be subject to hazards that can jeopardize the privacy and security of people”, states Pedro Fortuna.

Pedro Fortuna graduated in Computer Engineering at the Higher Engineering Institute in Porto, where he is a lecturer, and later added a master's degree in Network and Communications Services from the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) to his resume. He is currently finalising his PhD at FEUP in Electrical and Computer Engineering, in the area of Computer Networks.

The INESC TEC researcher mentioned in this article is associated with the following partner institution: ISEP.

INESC TEC, November 2013