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INESC TEC strengthens position in the smart grids area

INESC TEC’s Power Systems Unit (USE) is now part of two consortiums which were formed for the EC calls in the smarts grids area. The project proposals associated to each project were approved and the negotiation stage with the European Commission started on 22 June.

17th July 2012

INESC TEC will be responsible for coordinating the technical and scientific components of the project proposal entitled “SuSTAINABLE – Smart distribution System operaTion for mAximizing the INtegration of renewABLE generation”. The consortium is led EDP Distribuição and it includes INESC TEC, EFACEC, the University of Manchester (United Kingdom), the Technical University of Berlin (Germany), the Universidad Pontificia Comillas – Madrid (Spain), the Technical University of Athens (Greece) and the Public Power Corporation (Greece).

This is an innovative proposal that will provide advanced tools for distribution network operation and planning. The laboratory facilities in INESC TEC’s new building will provide special conditions to validate the concepts that will be developed as part of this project. These concepts will afterwards be tested at InovCity in Évora.

The other consortium developed the proposal STABALID - STAtionary Batteries LI-ion safe Deployment, which focuses on lithium-ion batteries as a promising solution to increase the levels of integration of renewable sources in the distribution grids.

The main objective of the STABALID is to promote the implementation of stationary lithium-ion batteries. For that, a new procedure to test this type of batteries will be developed. The project is led by the European Virtual Institute for Integrated Risk Management – EU-VRi (Germany), and the consortium includes INESC TEC, EDP Distribuição, the Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques – INERIS (France) and the TÜV SÜD Battery Testing GmbH (Germany).

BIP, June 2012