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INESC TEC Unit organises Open Day

On 24 April, INESC TEC’s Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) organised the second edition of the "UTM Open Day". The aim with this event is to promote the Unit’s activity internally and externally and to disseminate preliminary research results.

29th April 2013

Open to INESC TEC’s community and to companies, the main highlights of the initiative were presentations by Unit managers, Manuel Ricardo and Augustin Olivier, and by the leaders of the research areas addressed by the Unit.  The Open Day also included visits of the UTM labs, namely the Laboratories of Sound and Music Computing, Electronics and Optical Technologies, and a session for companies featuring demonstrations of technologies developed at UTM in the areas of telecommunications, multimedia, surveillance, music and image processing.

Promoting the contact between researchers and companies, the purpose of this session, entitled “Our technology, your success”, was to allow companies a direct contact with the prototypes developed by the Unit so that they can understand, by speaking to the researchers, if those prototypes fit their business models.

Similarly to last year, the Open Day featured the “one-minute madness”, an initiative where PhD students have to explain their research themes in just one minute. Several of the visiting companies attended this session.

BIP, April 2013