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Limelight section, BIP of October - Gustavo Carneiro (UTM)

Every month, this section will honour a collaborator for an exceptional contribution in his/her area of activity. BIP’s Editors will have the final choice. However, the cooperation of every Unit Coordinator is precious since they will be the ones suggesting which collaborator should be distinguished.

30th November 2012


1. Is it a surprise to be nominated for the "Limelight" section in the month that you are leaving INESC TEC?

It's a huge surprise, especially considering that I have an extraordinary group of colleagues, some of whom are probably far more deserving of this distinction.

2. How did your connection to INESC Porto came to be in 2001?

I already knew Professor Manuel Ricardo from the CDRC (Data Communication and Computer Networks) classes and I concluded my final year project with Professor Henrique Miranda who was also linked to INESC Porto at the time. The connection came naturally through an invitation, by Professor Henrique Miranda and Professor Manuel Ricardo, after I completed my final year project. However, given my interest and aptitude for networks, I ended up joining Professor Manuel Ricardo’s group.


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Gustavo Carneiro 02


3. You participated in several European projects. What is the project that has left you with the best memories and why?

The project I enjoyed the most was Daidalos I for several factors. Firstly, due to some of the people involved, who managed to combine technical skills and interpersonal management. Furthermore, INESC Porto had several engineers allocated to the project, which allowed me to travel almost always in the company of colleagues. Moreover, the project was managed quite well, which at the time was not very clear, but in retrospect and comparing with other projects now that seems obvious.

4. How do you feel about having 240 + citations in Google Scholar?

It is a source of pride, and it's something that gives me a lot of confidence whenever I need to face a new challenge. But, of course, the credit is not mine alone, but of all the authors involved.

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5. How was the experience of participating in developing the "open source" for the NS3 network simulator?

It was exciting to be part of a project with the importance of NS3. Actually, I just wanted to improve the simulator to use it as part of my PhD. However, it became clear very early on that the project needed help in areas where I have specific expertise, and ended up contributing far beyond what was strictly necessary. As I became part of the NS3 very early, I ended up becoming known in this area and thus bring this recognition to INESC TEC.

6. How is that work at INESC TEC/Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) leveraged you PhD thesis?

At UTM, what starts as "lending a hand in ...", often eventually leads to relevant scientific contributions. From that point of view, being a member of UTM means having access to a range of ideas for new contributions for a PhD project, as well as the critical mass which allows us to refine these ideas. This ended up being my case and it was extremely important to improve the quality of my PhD.


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7. What advice would you give to an early career researcher?

I think the key to success for a young researcher must include solving scientific problems that will appear but also being able to anticipate future problems, after meeting the current problems in depth. Another advice I can give is: do not be limited to the predominant methodologies and knowledge and do not be afraid to adopt new approaches, even if it forces us out of our "comfort zone."

8. What is the balance you make of having worked for over a decade at this institution?

Throughout these 11 years I have grown a lot as a researcher and as a person. I think that this would not be possible anywhere else since the typical life of a company involves developing highly specialised knowledge. Therefore, I feel it prepared me to adapt to different challenges that may arise in the future.

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9. What will you miss the most?

I'll miss my colleagues (in the broadest possible sense), particularly lunch times we spend together, as I will be away and will not able to visit often.

10. We end this brief questionnaire asking to comment on your nomination to the Lomelight section, made by the UTM managers.

Gustavo Carneiro joined UTM in 2001. He participated in European projects ARROWS, DAIDALOS I, DAIDALOS II and ALICANTE and NSRF projects Wimetronet and SITME. He has always awarded us with excellent performances and leaves us a quality image that is prestigious to this institution.

Gustavo also worked on his PhD here, he published 17 papers and obtained 240 + citations in Google Scholar. In parallel with this activity, Gustavo Carneiro represented INESC TEC in the development of the "open-source" for NS3 the network simulator, placing this institution in a group of excellence in the area of communication networks simulation, along with institutions such as the University of Washington, Georgia Tech and INRIA.

It's a big surprise, but with great pride that I take notice of this appointment. It's always good to know that our work is valued. I thank Professor Manuel Ricardo, not only by appointment, but also for all the support they have given me since I came to INESC Porto in 2001.

BIP, October 2012