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Project by UTM highlighted at CMU Portugal symposium

The project Self-PVP: Self-Organizing Power Management for Photo-Voltaic Power Plants, which is being developed at INESC TEC’s Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) as part of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal (CMU Portugal) Program, was featured at the inaugural symposium of the second stage of CMU Portugal, "Carnegie Mellon Portugal: An Entrepreneurial University-Industry Ecosystem in ICT", which took place on 21 January in Lisbon.

28th January 2013

During the symposium and intervals of the different sessions, Vítor Grade Tavares, André Vidal and Mohammad Abdellatif, all researchers at UTM, were responsible for presenting a project demo working in real time. The aim with this project is to optimise power at photovoltaic power plants. The solution uses controllers located on the solar panels which exchange information amongst themselves using a communication network whose nodes are also located on the panels. Another objective of the project is innovating in terms of integration, exploring the limits of transparent electronics.

Other than INESC TEC, other partners are the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), the Faculty of Science and Technology of the Nova University of Lisbon (FCT/UNL) and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).

UTM/INESC TEC, January 2013