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Project SmartFarming presents results

The first results presentation session of the SmartFarming project was held on 15 November at the Herdade Maria da Guarda, in Serpa, one year after the start of the project.

11th December 2017

SmartFarming is conducting research on an advanced tool for the operationalisation of precision agriculture, with a view to optimising agricultural production through new technologies. This tool should be able to determine parameters and related tasks, for example, with irrigation, fertilisation, harvests and diseases. Developed at INESC TEC under the TEC4Agro-Food initiative, this project is coordinated by the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support (LIAAD) and has the participation of the Centre for Robotics in Industry and Intelligent Systems (CRIIS).

The team of this project includes researchers Carlos Ferreira, João Mendes Moreira, Fábio Vasconcelos, Rosana Oliveira, Ahmed Fares and Manisha Sirsat, from LIAAD, Filipe Neves dos Santos and André Ferraz, from CRIIS, and André Sá, from the Industry Partnership Service (SAPE).

Included in a work of INESC TEC that focuses on multidisciplinary initiatives geared towards large markets, TEC4Agro-Food is an area of innovation for the Agricultural, Agro-Food and Forestry sectors, whose objective is to develop and promote research and technology in order to respond to the needs and desires of end users.

INESC TEC is part of the consortium of the SmartFarming project, promoted by company PRODFARMER, and has as co-promoters Esporão, the Herdade Maria da Guarda and the National Institute for Agrarian and Veterinarian Research.

SmartFarming is co-financed by COMPETE 2020 under the R&TD Incentive System in the area of co-promotion through an investment of 998 thousand euros, 716 thousand euros of which correspond to a community incentive from ERDF.

The researchers mentioned in the news piece area associated with INESC TEC, UP-FEUP and IPP-ISEP.