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UESP develops system for SMEs in the Shoe Industry

INESC Porto has developed ShoeBiz@PT - a system for electronic integration of SMEs in the Shoe Industry, for the Portuguese Technological Shoe Centre.

25th January 2007

INESC Porto developed a system for SMEs in the Shoe Industry for CTCP – The Portuguese Shoe Technological Centre, within the pilot project “Electronic Transfer of data between companies” in EDV Digital (Entre Douro e Vouga).

The objective of the Shoebiz@PT solution is to foment the electronic integration of the Shoe Industry companies (shoe manufacturers, subcontractors and components suppliers) through the development and offering of a safe and reliable communication infra-structure of electronic documents, enabling the mailing/reception of business documents (orders, requisitions, delivery notices, bills, production orders and other documents).

The addressees of the solution proposed are all the Shoe Industry companies and components regardless of their current state of informatization. Thus, companies with and without ERP are potential users of the solution proposed.

The system developed is among the four elements; a data model (Shoecom) that defines the format of the documents to be sent from one company to another (Quotation Request, Quotation, Orders, Response to Orders, Request for Change of Orders, Request for State of Order, State of the Order, Delivery Note, Request for Reception, Order Despatch, Reception of Order, Technical Specification of the Product); a message server named ShoeBiz@PT.Hub, to install in CTCP and with implementation of the message service MSH “Message Service Specification – Version 2.0” of “OASIS ebXML Messaging Services Technical Committee” and with PostGreSQL database; a message server named ShoeBiz@PT.Connector, to install in all the companies that join the ShoeBiz@PT System and a message editor named ShoeBiz@PT.eMail, with graphic interface in Java available at Windows Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox, enabling the creation, mailing and reception of Shoecom documents.

The system was concluded in December 2006 and it is now being installed in CTCP.

INESC Porto’s team is made of César Toscano, Luís Carneiro, Rui Diogo and Rute Oliveira, of the Manufacturing Systems Engineering Unit (UESP).

BIP January 2007