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US Navy funds INESC TEC project

INESC TEC’s Centre for Information Systems and Computer Graphics (CSIG) has submitted an application to the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) of the United States of America, where the goal is to study new algorithms to monitor multiple objects in extreme light conditions. The application has now been approved.

05th December 2016

In extreme conditions, an object may be in a very dark area (for example, in a shadow), while another may be in a very bright area (for example in the sun). In this scenario, even the most recent algorithms are unable to track objects because they cannot extract information from the data collected. This happens because the images captured may be under or overexposed.

Coordinated by Maximino Bessa, this project aims to develop innovative, computer vision algorithms that take advantage of the new high dynamic range (HDR) video formats in order to track and present multiple objects that are in very different brightness conditions in the same scene.

The ONR is part of the US Navy Department and its purpose is to coordinate, execute and promote the science and technology programmes of the US Navy and Marine Corps. The ONRG is its international branch, operating on five continents, which invests about 90% of its budget in medium- and long-term research to improve and train naval forces through the production of knowledge. For that, the American organisation collaborates both with educational and non-profit and non-profit institutions with innovative scientific and technological research.

The INESC TEC researcher mentioned in this news piece is associated with UTAD.

Photo credits - Flickr