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UTM signs two new contracts with PT Inovação

On March 1, the Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM) signed two new contracts with PT Inovação, resulting from proposals submitted, in the scope of the Innovation Plan of the PT Group 2007-2009.

15th March 2007

The Management of multicast sessions over heterogeneous access networks project, coordinated by Manuel Ricardo, intends to specify and prototype a system that manages multilayer multicast groups for heterogeneous access networks. It should sustain multiple multicast groups, autonomous or not, and multicast groups from clients.

The objective of this microMassMedia project, coordinated by Sílvio Macedo, is the creation of a prototype service of television micro-channels, based on the clients’ contribution or recommendation of contents.

The signing of the contract took place during the workshop carried out by PTIN for the Innovation Plan 2006. During this workshop, the results of the Content Customization in Networked PVR context project were presented. This project was developed in INESC Porto by a team coordinated by Sílvio Macedo.~

BIP March 2007