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News by High-Assurance Software


Spin-off company created by HASLab/INESC TEC is finalist in the COHiTEC initiative

The spin-off Dependableware, created by researchers at HASLab – High-Assurance Software Laboratory, a Privileged Partner of INESC TEC located in the University of Minho (U.Minho), was one of the finalists of the COHiTEC initiative, promoted by COTEC Portugal. This U.Minho spin-off developed database management software which is more flexible, reliable, scalable and profitable comparatively to the solutions available on the market.

04th September 2013


INESC TEC promotes session to present projects to investors

On 19 April, INESC TEC’s Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) promoted a session to present six business projects to Invicta Angels, whose associates are individual venture capitalists.

20th May 2013


INESC TEC researchers integrate restricted group of Portuguese authors in renowned journal

José Nuno Oliveira, a researcher at INESC TEC’s High-Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab), published a paper in the prestigious journal IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering last March. The paper was co-written with Miguel Ferreira, a former Master’s Degree student at the University of Minho. This is the second group composed of exclusively Portuguese researchers to publish in this journal, even though this is an area –Software Engineering – in which practically all universities have active groups.

08th April 2013


Awards received in 2012 are proof of INESC TEC’s high level research

In 2012, BIP featured several (good) news about researchers awarded for their work in different components. Literary awards, Best Papers Awards, winning projects and other distinctions, they all illustrate the research potential of this Associate Laboratory. The BIP team made a list of last year’s awards and we came up with a staggering number of 31 awards received by our collaborators. It is safe to say that excellence lives at INESC TEC!

24th January 2013


Information security highlighted at INESC TEC

On 17 December, INESC TEC will be organising an internal workshop on information security.

30th November 2012


INESC TEC highlighted at the ASD Convention

INESC TEC participated, between 10 and 12 October, in the Convention of the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD), which took place at the Centro de Congressos in Lisbon.

30th October 2012


HASLab/INESC TEC project receives Google Research Award

A research project developed by INESC TEC’s High Assurance Software Laboratory (HASLab) has received a Google Research Award on 3 July. The project, entitled "Minha”, aims at simplifying and improving the development of software for cloud computing.

03rd August 2012


INESC TEC promotes seminar on Security

Ana Sequeira, Hélder Castro and Jaime Dias, researchers at INESC TEC’s Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit (UTM), have promoted a seminar on Security on 13 July. The aim was to discuss work from different Units in this area and try to adjust them to the European Call on Security (FP7-SEC-2013-1).

30th July 2012


Combining skills is the path for excellence

Combining skills is the path for excellence – the institution now integrates 12 R&D units and over 600 employees, including 200 PhD holders – has originated major challenges in terms of the efficient combination of expertise in the Associate Laboratory: could we use this diversity of skills to develop national and European multidisciplinary and added-value projects?

02nd July 2012


INESC TEC – an institute to be proud of

On 30th and 31st January INESC TEC received a visit from the SAB - Scientific Advisory Board following the last evaluation three years ago. The SAB is a group of leading international researchers that the Directors invite to evaluate INESC TEC and offer suggestions for the continuous improvement of the institute. The evaluation this year could not have been more positive: according to the SAB, INESC TEC has suffered exponential growth, it continues to strive for high-quality science and publications and it is an institute we should be proud of.

06th March 2012


MCTES renews INESC Porto LA’s statute as Associate Laboratory

The minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Mariano Gago, has signed the order on INESC Porto LA’s status as Associate Laboratory to renew the statute for 10 more years, which will correspond to the funding scheme of five years plus a further five years. Within the order, the new LA model incorporates INESC Porto and the Associate Units.

20th June 2011


INESC Porto creates a critical mass of expertise for its Associate Laboratory

INESC Porto’s seven Central Units, four Associate Units and one Privileged Partner make a total of 569 collaborators, of which 193 have PhDs. These current dimensions give shape to the Associate Laboratory (LA) plan that INESC Porto aims to implement over the next five years and has submitted for recognition to the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). With Associate Laboratory status since 2002, INESC Porto adopted a new organisational model in 2007 with the main objective of broadening the scope of the institution as an Associate Laboratory. The challenge revolves around the growing network that allows for scientific consolidation with new groups that maintain their administrative autonomy and therefore will open new doors to large-scale projects that are more demanding and multidisciplinary. The mission is being accomplished.

14th March 2011

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