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News by Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship


INESC TEC develops project to manage fires more efficiently

INESC TEC is currently developing instruments as part of project FIRE-ENGINE (Designing flexible management systems for forest fires) that will help authorities prevent and suppress fires.

08th August 2013


Start-up incubated at INESC TEC supported by Massivemov Crowdfunding

Grabmark – start-up incubated at LET-In, a service provided by INSC TEC’s Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) that offers personalised follow-up and technology and business consulting – is receiving support from Massivemov, a crowdfunding platform.

07th August 2013


INESC TEC co-organises conference on creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation

INESC TEC organised, together with COTEC, the 2nd edition of the CAL4INO International Conference, which took place on 30 and 31 May, gathering several scholars, practitioners and decision-makers. This conference, organised as part of project CAL4INO, was divided into thematic sessions, academic and business presentations, and roundtables where it was possible to discuss the importance of creative learning activities when promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.

16th July 2013


INESC TEC Entrepreneurship: new Facebook page

INESC TEC Entrepreneurship is a Facebook page created by INESC TEC’s Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) dedicated to the theme of entrepreneurship.

16th July 2013


INESC TEC promotes session to present projects to investors

On 19 April, INESC TEC’s Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) promoted a session to present six business projects to Invicta Angels, whose associates are individual venture capitalists.

20th May 2013


INESC TEC provides services to startup Grabmark

The lack of tools to support collaborative studies was the motivation to create Grabmark, a platform for students to share and exchange study material. After winning a place in IdeaMove, a competition of business ideas promoted by the TEC Empreende project, the new start-up has received the support of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) at INESC TEC for developing and implementing the business project.

10th April 2013


INESC TEC promotes workshops for entrepreneurs

In February 2013, INESC TEC’s Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) organised the "Design Thinking" training session to encourage the creativity of the participants in problem solving. In March, UITT also initiated a cycle of workshops, which will last until April, dedicated to the problems of growth and development of university spin-offs.

09th April 2013


INESC TEC Unit Manager is the new Director of CMU Portugal

João Claro, manager of INESC TEC’s Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT), a position he shares with Alexandra Xavier, is the new director of the Carnegie Mellon Portugal Program (CMU Portugal). INESC TEC’s researcher will be taking over João Barros, a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), who had been leading the partnership for the last three years.

30th January 2013


Awards received in 2012 are proof of INESC TEC’s high level research

In 2012, BIP featured several (good) news about researchers awarded for their work in different components. Literary awards, Best Papers Awards, winning projects and other distinctions, they all illustrate the research potential of this Associate Laboratory. The BIP team made a list of last year’s awards and we came up with a staggering number of 31 awards received by our collaborators. It is safe to say that excellence lives at INESC TEC!

24th January 2013


Innovation by INESC TEC confirms focus on internationalisation

The Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) is confirming a clear focus on internationalisation and proof of that is the contracts in Lithuania and in Chile.

07th January 2013


INESC TEC researchers at MIT and CMU

Four researchers from the Innovation and Technology Transfer Unit (UITT) and the Manufacturing Systems Engineering Unit (UESP) are developing their PhD theses at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (as part of the MIT Portugal Program) and at Carnegie Mellon University (as part of the CMU Portugal Program).

05th December 2012


Experts discuss regional innovation at event organised by INESC TEC

Regional innovation policies – this was the main theme of the international seminar organised by INESC TEC that brought to the city of Porto 120 experts from all over the world.

02nd November 2012

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