The main goal of the BIOTECFOR - Machines and Forestry Workshop, which was held on 13 March at the auditorium of WOW – Work On Wood, was to discuss innovative solutions in the short, medium and long-term for the forest cleaning.
25th March 2019
InstitutionalFive technological solutions, two used in the forest and three used in the agriculture, representing a total investment of around EUR 7.4 million, were exhibited in Agroglobal 2018, the largest agricultural fair in Portugal that took place in Valada do Ribatejo (Santarém) between 5 and 7 September.
01st October 2018
InstitutionalA team of researchers from INESC TEC visited the Biomass Centre for Energy (CBE) in Miranda do Corvo on 12 July. CBE is an association that was created in 1988, whose mission is to contribute to the energy diversification, promoting the use of biomass for the energy production.
24th August 2018
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