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Ref Position Academic Qualification Work Area Centre Scientific Advisor Application Deadline
AE2025-0097 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Computer Engineering; Software Engineering Enterprise Systems EngineeringCristovão Sousa2025-03-12
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AE2025-0100 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Engenharia Biomédica, Visão Computacional, Inteligência Artificial. (PT) Biomedical Engineering ResearchMiguel Coimbra2025-03-12
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AE2025-0096 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Language Sciences Artificial Intelligence and Decision SupportPurificação Silvano2025-03-12
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AE2025-0107 Investigação (BI) Master's Telecommunications Telecommunications and MultimediaHélder Martins Fontes2025-03-12
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AE2025-0098 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Computer Engineering; Information Systems Enterprise Systems EngineeringCarla Pereira2025-03-12
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AE2025-0102 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Engenharia Electrotécnica, Informática, Biomédica e área afim Telecommunications and MultimediaHélder Filipe Oliveira2025-03-12
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AE2025-0105 Investigação (BI) Master's Electrical, Informatics, Biomedical Engineering Telecommunications and MultimediaTânia Pereira2025-03-12
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AE2025-0103 Investigação (BI) Master's Electrical, Informatics, Biomedical Engineering Telecommunications and MultimediaHélder Filipe Oliveira2025-03-12
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AE2025-0104 Investigação (BI) Master's Informatics, electrical and electronic, and biomedical Engineering Telecommunications and MultimediaTânia Pereira2025-03-12
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AE2025-0108 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Computer Science Artificial Intelligence and Decision SupportJoão Gama2025-03-12
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AE2025-0110 Assistente Executiva Bachelor's Support to management, event organization and administrative tasks Diana Viegas2025-03-12
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AE2025-0076 Investigação (BI) Master's, Bachelor's Power Systems - Artificial Intelligence Power and Energy SystemsRicardo Jorge Bessa2025-03-13
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AE2025-0113 Investigação (BI) Master's Computer Science Human-Centered Computing and Information ScienceArtur Rocha2025-03-13
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AE2025-0114 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Computer Science Human-Centered Computing and Information ScienceArtur Rocha2025-03-13
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AE2025-0109 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Informatics, Electronics and Digital Systems Human-Centered Computing and Information ScienceJoão Bispo2025-03-13
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AE2025-0111 Investigação (BI) Master's Automation of optical systems Applied PhotonicsPedro Jorge2025-03-14
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AE2025-0112 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Bachelor's Automation of optical systems Applied PhotonicsPedro Jorge2025-03-14
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AE2025-0101 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Distributed sensing and polarization. Applied PhotonicsSusana Oliveira Silva2025-03-14
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AE2025-0099 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Bachelor's Informatics, electrical and electronic Engineering Telecommunications and MultimediaHélder Filipe Oliveira2025-03-14
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AE2025-0115 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Computer Science Human-Centered Computing and Information ScienceFilipe Figueiredo Correia2025-03-20
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AE2025-0118 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Industrial Robotics Robotics in Industry and Intelligent SystemsHélio Mendonça2025-03-20
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AE2025-0117 Investigação (BI) Master's Blockchain and authentication Advanced Computing SystemsAntónio Pinto2025-03-20
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AE2025-0121 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Electrical Engineering Power and Energy SystemsTiago André Soares2025-03-20
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AE2025-0059 Contratado Doutorado PhD Computer Science (Privacy enhancing technologies - PET ) High-Assurance SoftwareAntónio Luís Sousa2025-03-21
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AE2025-0130 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Programming / Informatics High-Assurance SoftwareAlexandra Sofia Mendes2025-03-26
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AE2025-0132 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Programming / Informatics High-Assurance SoftwareAlexandra Sofia Mendes2025-03-26
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AE2025-0133 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Industrial Engineering and Management Industrial Engineering and ManagementMaria João Santos2025-03-26
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AE2025-0135 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Bachelor's Research and develop new signal and image processing methods in the Biomedical area Biomedical Engineering ResearchDuarte Filipe Dias2025-03-26
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AE2025-0139 Investigação (BI) Master's, Bachelor's Electrical and Computer Engineering Power and Energy SystemsRui Esteves Araujo2025-03-26
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AE2025-0140 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Support and management of hospital partnerships and data collection in the area of neurological diseases Biomedical Engineering ResearchDuarte Filipe Dias2025-03-26
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AE2025-0120 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Bachelor's Robotics Robotics in Industry and Intelligent SystemsAntónio Paulo Moreira2025-03-26
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AE2025-0122 Investigação (BI) Master's Systems Engineering; Information Systems Enterprise Systems EngineeringAntónio Lucas Soares2025-03-26
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AE2025-0123 Investigação (BI) Master's Systems Engineering; Information Systems Enterprise Systems EngineeringAntónio Lucas Soares2025-03-26
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AE2025-0129 Investigação (BI) Master's Engineering Telecommunications and MultimediaAna Filipa Sequeira2025-03-27
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AE2025-0137 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Telecommunications Telecommunications and MultimediaHélder Martins Fontes2025-03-27
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AE2025-0138 Investigação (BI) Master's Machine Learning Telecommunications and MultimediaTânia Pereira2025-03-27
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AE2025-0116 Investigação (BI) Master's Electrical engineering Telecommunications and MultimediaLuís Manuel Pessoa2025-03-27
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AE2025-0128 Investigação (BI) Bachelor's Engenharia Telecommunications and MultimediaNuno Miguel Paulino2025-03-27
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AE2025-0125 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Electrical Engineering Power and Energy SystemsRicardo Silva2025-04-13
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AE2025-0126 Investigação (BI) Master's, Bachelor's Computer Engineering Power and Energy SystemsJosé Silva2025-04-13
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AE2025-0127 Iniciação à Investigação (BII) Bachelor's Computer Engineering Power and Energy SystemsJosé Silva2025-04-13
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