Degree in Chemical Engineering awarded by the University of Coimbra (School of Sciences and Technology). MBA degree awarded by the ISEE-UP (Instituto Superior de Estudos Empresariais - Institute for Companies? Studies) currently EGP-UP (Escola de Gestão do Porto ? Oporto School of Management) of the University of Oporto. Responsable for the Innovation ans Technology Transference Unit at INESC (Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering) in Oporto. Previous professional activity includes work in the following companies/institutions: Sonae.com, responsible for the management of new projects in the area of Multimedia; CCDRN (Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte - Committee for the Coordination and Regional Development of the Northern Region), co-ordinator for inter regional projects in the areas of Innovation and Technology Transfer as well as of Company?s Internationalisation; Accenture, senior consultant for a period of 6 years responsible for managing and implementing projects regarding information systems, strategy and business organisation, in different areas of activity such as utilities, finance, metallomechanics? industry, textile industry and foot-wear industry; participation in several training programs promoted by Accenture in Portugal, the Netherlands and the USA. Higher education teaching experience at IPAM (Instituto Português de Administração e Marketing - Portuguese Institute of Administration and Marketing) in Matosinhos for a period of 7 years, lecturing in ?Strategic Management and Marketing Practices? and supervising several dissertations. Trainer at SPI (Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação - Portuguese Innovation Society) since 1995, lecturing in ?Marketing and Strategies? on training programs for recent-graduates as well as in Entrepreneurship Support Programs. Currently employed as a guest lecturer on the MIETE (Mestrado em Inovação e Empreendorismo Tecnológico ? Masters Degree in Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship), at the Engineering Department of the University of Oporto, lecturing in the ?TEC Sequence?. Author a study for COTEC Portugal entitled ?identification and Classification fo R&D and Innovation Activities?. Author a study for the Northern Region entitled ?Model and Implementation of a Network of Entrepreneurship Enablers? in the context of the Nortinov Project.