Ana Paiva (publishes as Ana C. R. Paiva). Ana Paiva is Assistant Professor at the Informatics Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP) where she works since 1999. She is a researcher at INESC TEC in the Software Engineering area and member of the Software Engineering research group which gathers researchers and post graduate students with common interests in software engineering. She teaches subjects like Software Testing, Formal Methods and Software Engineering, among others. She has a PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from FEUP with a thesis titled"Automated Specification Based Testing of Graphical User Interfaces". Her expertise is on the implementation and automation of the model based testing process. She has been developing research work in collaboration with Foundation of Software Engineering research group within Microsoft Research where she had the opportunity to extend Microsoft's model-based testing tool, Spec Explorer, for GUI testing. She is PI of a National Science Foundation funded project on Pattern-Based GUI Testing (PBGT). She is a member of the PSTQB (Portuguese Software Testing Qualification Board) board general assembly, member of TBok, Glossary, and the MBT Examination Working Groups of the ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualification Board), member of the Council of the Department of Informatics Engineering, and member of the Executive Committee of the Department of Informatics Engineering.