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I obtained my degree in Telecommunnications engineering in th Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto in 1970, and the PhD in the University of Bradford, in the UK, in 1981. AFter the conclusion of my degree I started a full time job teaching and researching in Telecommuncications af FEUP. I am currently a retired Full Professor of FEUP. I was part of the first direction of INESC in Porto in 1985, where I was responsible for the development of a very large research program in broadband communnications, the SIFO Project. I was member of the board of directors of INESC Porto since its creation as an independent organization in 1998 until 2009. I came back to the direction of INESC Porto for a short period between middle 2014 and 2015.

My research activity was essencially done INESC Porto with particular emphasis in the area of Digital Television, where I was responsible for a large number of projects in collaboration with large external companies, namely, RTP and BBC.

In the University I was involved in the development of several new multidisciplinary areas of research and teaching in the area of digital media, including courses of all levels, licenciatura, master and doctoral level, in journalism, multimedia and digital media. I was the promoter of the participation of the U.Porto in the UT Austin Portugal Collaboration Program, where I was Co- Diretor of the DIgital Media component until 2011, representing the U.Porto in the direction of the Program.

In parallel with the Scientificl activities I participated in several studies of strategic relevance for the region such as: Study of a Media Parte in Porto (RTP), N+Boradband Network in Porto (TLP), Strategic study for the Metropolitan area of Porto (AMP). In areas closer to the content creation I was President of the Associação Portucale XXI, created by Portugal Telecom, RTP, CMP, U.Porto, U Católica Portuguesa, AEP, Instituto Politécnico do Porto, in order to propose a number of large projects for EXPO98 and Porto 2001. This led to a starategic collaboration with BBC that included a demonstration supported by European funds at EXPO98 of digital HDTV and to the development of a new type of IP based Digital Studio installed at BBC in 2001. I was promoter of the creation of a park dedicated to creative industries within UPTEC, PINC, localized in historical Center of Town.

Since Sepember 2011 and January 2013 I was the director of the RTP production Center in Porto.

Since March 2013 and September 2015 I was a member of the board of ADDICT, an agency for the development of Creative Industries. After my retirement, in 2013, I become a senior adviser of the Board of administration of INESC TEC. In February 2016 I was awarded the title of Professor Emritus of the University of Porto.



  • Name

    Artur Pimenta Alves
  • Role

  • Since

    01st January 1984
  • Nationality

  • Contacts



A New Paradigm for Content Producers

Castro, H; Alves, AP; Serrao, C; Caraway, B;


The production, distribution, and consumption of information goods have endured numerous challenges over the years. Most recently, the Internet and digital consumer technologies have severely disrupted established intellectual-property regimes, enabling the near costless reproduction and distribution of information commodities. In addition, sophisticated tools have enabled new collaborative spaces (such as blogs, social websites, and so forth) formedia production and distribution, posing new challenges to traditional creator-producer-consumer paradigms. This article analyzes the present situation's main technological characteristics, its economic implications, and the industry's response-and outlines a possible solution to the problems.


A semantic management model to enable the integrated management of media and devices

Viana, P; Alves, AP;


The challenge of managing large scale media assets has led to the development of metadata schemas that are expected to enable efficient search and retrieval of multimedia content. Those approaches propose schemas that can range from simple keyword based descriptions to complex hierarchical organization of information. However, effective media asset management requires more than content searching and retrieval: underlying infrastructures are usually complex, require the use of a number of different equipment and management decisions have to be done based on information available from the multimedia metadata layer as well as on data describing system resources and capabilities. In this paper we propose a new ontology that aggregates information from different sources and enables a top level business oriented view of multimedia archives.



Castro, H; Alves, AP;


The amount of on-line information content is growing without apparent limits. The lack of a coherent and consistent structure for its expression leads to increasing problems in terms of desired information retrieval and rendering. Multiple initiatives have been undertaken to bring forth such a global coherence. Nonetheless, it is still unattained. The informational landscape is highly fragmented in terms of the formats of the information object (IO) and their semantic interconnection, which is still incipient. This work exploits a loose and common sense based analogy between the Internet and the brain for the development of a new and versatile, MPEG 21 based data structuring format (termed Cognitive Object Format), for the description of information objects, equating them to cerebral memories. The objective is to enable an easier and more pervasive human (machine aided) or automatic interpretation and access to IO and their meanings in order to contribute to the development of a coherent base for their declaration and structuring.


Experiments with dynamic multiplexing and UPC renegotiation for video over ATM

Andrade, MT; Alves, AP;


In this paper we present an experimental approach for QoS-aware and bandwidth-efficient transmission of multimedia sources over ATM networks. VER video sources are statistically multiplexed at the application level and the UPC parameters of a single connection for the aggregate traffic are dynamically renegotiated with the network during the session lifetime, A statistical multiplexer computes the required bandwidth for the aggregate traffic and dynamically assigns bandwidth according to the performances requested and network resources availability. A dynamic UPC manager using feedback information sent by the network, may initiate a renegotiation of traffic parameters upon receiving a request from the statistical multiplexer. Performing the connection admission control procedures for the aggregate traffic, allows significant reductions in the value of the total peak rate when compared to the sum of peak rates of individual connections. It also reduces the burstiness of the flow submitted to the network, thus increasing the lifetime of each set of UPC parameters.


A case study on the use of agent technology for the management of networked multimedia systems

Viana, P; Alves, AP;


The evolution of Television towards de digital domain is opening new opportunities but also new challenges both to users and system managers. Audiovisual television archives will be an essential component of the whole digital television operators systems, as archived information needs to be available to a wide range of users. This paper presents the work developed at INESC Porto within the VIDION project and the experiments on merging television, computer and telecommunications concepts and technologies by the use of software agents and CORBA to assist in solving problems of information and system configuration and management in a TV archive. Aspects such as definition of the problem, architecture proposed and current state of the work will be the focus of the paper.