Carlos Ferreira is passionate about health, technology and entrepreneurship since child age. In this way, he started the Bioengineering degree at Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto in 2012, ending the same in 2017. During his degree, he had inroads by research groups of INESC-TEC and I3S. He also founded a student branch chapter of the EMBS in UP in the year 2015, being chair of the same for two years, and vice chair of NEB FEUP / ICBAS during 2016/2017. In 2017, he worked at U. Porto Inovação as a technology analyst before joining INESC TEC as a researcher in the field of medical image analysis for the classification of pulmonary nodules in computed tomography. In 2019, he received funding from the FCT for PhD and became Business Development Manager on TEC4Health at INESC TEC. Finally, Carlos has been elected treasurer in the IEEE, first from 2018-2021 in the EMBS PT chapter and since 2022 in the Portugal section.