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Claudio Floridia was born in Ancona, Italy, in 1971, completed a bachelor’s degree in physics from the University of São Paulo (1995), a master's degree in Geophysics from the Federal University of Bahia (1998), and a Ph.D. in Physics from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2003). He was a researcher at the CPQD Research and Development Center, Campinas, Brazil (2005-2023), specializing in fiber optic systems and sensors, including Bragg grating (FBG), distributed sensors, optical voltage/current sensors, and spectroscopy techniques with applications in the electrical, oil and gas, civil structures and railway transport sectors. Dr. Floridia has authored 100+ journal and conference articles, holds 23 patents (2 in the US), and has 10+ pending patents. He contributed to CIGRE Brazil's Low Power Instrument Transformers group (2020-2021). He is currently an assistant researcher at the Center for Applied Photonics - INESCTEC in Porto, Portugal



  • Name

    Claudio Floridia
  • Role

    Assistant Researcher
  • Since

    01st July 2023
  • Nationality

  • Centre

    Applied Photonics
  • Contacts
