Fábio Sester Retorta is an electrical engineer graduated at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). During his time in Brazil, he worked for 3 years with ANEEL R & D projects and services in the area of electric power quality by the company Lactec. Fábio earned his master's degree in UFPR with the theme of an ANEEL R & D project being awarded 1 place in the CIGRE Showcase Paris 2018. Since 2015 the researcher has been contributing with publications in international events, chapters of Brazilian books and Brazilian periodicals. The researcher has been working with the themes: electric power quality of wind farms / GD, operation of distributed generation, storage systems, solar thermal energy (CSP), rural electrification, multicriteria methodologies, fuzzy systems, optimization, forecasting methods, and planning of distribution systems. Fábio has taught classes at SENAI and CEPS (technical schools in Brazil) and is a member of the C6 group of CIGRÉ. He currently works at CPES with topics related to energy markets, deregulated electricyty markets, flexibilities in electricity markets, OPF and optimization methods