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  • Name

    Fernando José Ribeiro
  • Role

    Research Assistant
  • Since

    01st June 2018


VPP Participation in the FCR Cooperation Considering Opportunity Costs

Ribeiro, FJ; Lopes, JAP; Soares, FJ; Madureira, AG;


Currently, the transmission system operators (TSOs) from Portugal and Spain do not procure a frequency containment reserve (FCR) through market mechanisms. In this context, a virtual power plant (VPP) that aggregates sources, such as wind and solar power and hydrogen electrolyzers (HEs), would benefit from future participation in this ancillary service market. The methodology proposed in this paper allows for quantifying the revenues of a VPP that aggregates wind and solar power and HEs, considering the opportunity costs of these units when reserving power for FCR participation. The results were produced using real data from past FCR market sessions. Using market data from 2022, a VPP that aggregates half of the HEs and is expected to be connected in the country by 2025 will have revenues over EUR 800k, of which EUR 90k will be HEs revenues.


A novel TSO settlement scheme for the Frequency Containment Reserve Cooperation in Europe's integrated electricity market

Ribeiro, FJ; Lopes, JAP; Soares, FJ; Madureira, AG;


Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) Cooperation is a European effort to integrate several countries in an integrated international electricity market platform for FCR procurement. In this market, Balancing Service Providers (BSPs) are on the supply side and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) on the demand side. This paper proposes a novel settlement scheme for sharing costs among TSOs; it proposes no changes to existing market clearing rules or to the existing settlement of the BSPs' revenues. It is shown that the current TSO settlement scheme is an inequitable mechanism that originates negative costs for some TSOs in specific conditions, which are extensively discussed. The proposed TSO settlement scheme overcomes these inequities. In the proposed scheme, TSOs begin paying the local BSPs for the cleared bids needed locally, and the remaining imports are calculated in a subsequent step. Doing so avoids using the so-called import/export costs, which are demonstrated to be the source of the inequities in the current scheme. It is shown that if the proposed pricing scheme had been adopted from July 2019 to December 2022, all TSOs would have been affected. Specifically, the most negatively impacted TSO would have its accumulated costs increased by 16% and the most positively impacted TSO would have its accumulated cost decreased by 32%. The inequities of the current mechanism amount to more than 50 Me or 7.4% of the total accumulated costs. Although the proposed mechanism is tested here under the FCR Cooperation, it can be applied to other markets where the rules allow different local settlement prices.


Hydrogen Electrolyser participation in Automatic Generation Control using Model Predictive Control

Ribeiro, FJ; Lopes, JAP; Soares, FJ; Madureira, AG;


Traditionally, proportional-integral (PI) control has ensured the successful application of automatic generation control (AGC). Two design features of AGC-PI are the following: (1) it is merely a reactive system which does not take full advantage of existing knowledge about the system and (2) the control signal sent to all units is divided proportionally to their participation in the AGC. These two features ensure simplicity and, thus, reliability for the regular functioning of the power system. However, when the power system is recovering from a loss of generation, such features can become shortcomings. This paper proposes a model predictive control (MPC) to improve performance of AGC in such a scenario. The contrast with the traditional approach is as follows: instead of using merely two system measures which are also the control objectives (frequency and interconnection flow), the proposed controller relies on an internal model that takes advantage of further known variables of the power system, especifically the ramping capabilities of participating units. While still respecting the participation factors, it is shown that the proposed model allows to exhaust earlier the availability of faster units, such as some demand response, as the one to be provided by hydrogen electrolysers, and thus reestablishes the frequency and interconnection flows in a faster way than typical AGC-PI.


The role of hydrogen electrolysers in frequency related ancillary services: A case study in the Iberian Peninsula up to 2040

Ribeiro, FJ; Lopes, JAP; Fernandes, FS; Soares, FJ; Madureira, AG;


This paper investigates the contribution of hydrogen electrolysers (HEs) for frequency related Ancillary Services (AS), namely Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR), Synthetic Inertia (SI) , Fast Frequency Response (FFR) in future operation scenarios in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) considering low system iner-tia. The proposed framework for analysis consists of a dynamic model developed in MATLAB/Simulink. Simulations show that an instantaneous inverter based resource (IBR) trip induced by a grid fault may lead to the occurrence of values of Rate of Change of Frequency (RoCoF) close to undesirable thresholds if the FCR is provided solely by the conventional generators. The obtained results illustrate that HEs can outperform conventional generators on the provision of FCR. Furthermore, the FCR is unable to unlock the full potential of fast responding HEs. This suggests the advantage of providing additional AS such as SI or FFR in critical periods. Simulations also show that the benefit of additional AS can be limited in specific conditions, especially depending on the evolution of HEs' ramping capabilities, but are still a relevant complement to other solutions designed to deal with low inertia in power systems such as synchronous compensators.& COPY; 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Assessing the Membership of Portugal and Spain in the FCR Cooperation: TSO Costs and VPP Revenues

Ribeiro, J; Pecas Lopes, A; Soares, J; Madureira, G;

2023 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, SEST 2023

The Transmission System Operators (TSOs) from Portugal and Spain do not procure Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR) through market mechanisms. A Virtual Power Plant (VPP) aggregating sources such as wind and solar power and hydrogen electrolysers (HEs) would benefit from participation in this ancillary service market. The methodology proposed in this paper allows to quantify the costs of the participation of the Iberian TSOs in the FCR Cooperation as well as the revenues of a VPP that aggregates wind and solar power and HEs. Results are produced using real data from past market sessions. The Portuguese TSO would have paid roughly 10 M€ to participate in this market in 2022. Using data for the same country and year, a VPP (aggregating the HEs expected to be connected by 2025) would have revenues over 2 M€. © 2023 IEEE.