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Guilherme Marques Amaral Silva was born on June 17, 1986 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 1993 he has emigrated to Portugal where he lives nowadays. After conclude the basic and high school in Colégio dos Cavalhos, in 2004, he has joined ISEP in the Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering, branch of Electronics and Computers. In 2006 he has started to collaborate with the Autonomous System Laboratory. In 2007 he has concluded the Bachelor’s degree and, two years later, at the same institution, he has obtained the Master degree in Electrical Engineering, branch of Autonomous Systems. In 2010 he was invited by ISEP to teach some classes in the Electric Engineering Department (as Invited Assistant), position that occupies until present. In 2013 he has joined INESCTEC. In 2014 he has started his PhD at FEUP. In the present he is research fellow at INESCTEC, working on several robotics/autonomous systems projects. He develops formation control algorithms for unmanned aerial vehicles and contributes actively in the SUNNY FP7 project.



  • Name

    Guilherme Amaral Silva
  • Role

  • Since

    01st July 2013


Precipitation-Driven Gamma Radiation Enhancement Over the Atlantic Ocean

Barbosa, S; Dias, N; Almeida, C; Silva, G; Ferreira, A; Camilo, A; Silva, E;


Gamma radiation over the Atlantic Ocean was measured continuously from January to May 2020 by a NaI(Tl) detector installed on board the Portuguese navy's ship NRP Sagres. Enhancements in the gamma radiation values are identified automatically by an algorithm for detection of anomalies in mean and variance as well as by visual inspection. The anomalies are typically +50% above the background level and relatively rare events (similar to<10% of the days). All the detected anomalies are associated with simultaneous precipitation events, consistent with the wet deposition of scavenged radionuclides. The enhancements are detected in the open ocean even at large distances (+500 km) from the nearest coastline. Back trajectories reveal that half of these events are associated with air masses experiencing continental land influences, but the other half do not display evidence of recent land contact. The enhancements in gamma radiation very far from land and with no evidence of continental fetch from back trajectories are difficult to explain as resulting only from radionuclides with a terrestrial source such as radon and its progeny. Further investigation and additional measurements are needed to improve understanding on the sources of ambient radioactivity in the open ocean and assess whether gamma radiation in the marine environment is influenced not only by radionuclides of terrestrial origin, but also cosmogenic radionuclides, like Beryllium-7, formed in the upper atmosphere but with the ability to be transported downward and serve as a tracer of the aerosols to which it attaches. Plain Language Summary Radioactive elements such as the noble gas radon and those produced by its radioactive decay are naturally present in the environment and used as tracers of atmospheric transport and composition. In particular, the noble gas radon, being inert and of predominantly terrestrial origin, is used to identify pristine marine air masses with no land contamination. Precipitation over land typically brings radon from the atmosphere to the surface, enhancing gamma radiation on the ground, but such enhancements have not been identified before nor expected over the ocean due to the low amount of radon typical of marine air masses. Here we report, for the first time, gamma radiation enhancements associated with precipitation in the oceanic environment, using measurements performed over the Atlantic Ocean in a campaign onboard the Portuguese navy ship NRP Sagres.


Temporal variability of gamma radiation and aerosol concentration over the North Atlantic ocean

Dias, N; Amaral, G; Almeida, C; Ferreira, A; Camilo, A; Silva, E; Barbosa, S;


&lt;p&gt;Gamma radiation measured over the ocean is mainly due to airborne radionuclides, as gamma emission by radon degassing from the ocean is negligible. Airborne gamma-emitting elements include radon progeny (Pb-2114, Bi-214, Pb-210) and cosmogenic radionuclides such as Be-7. Radon progeny attaches readily to aerosols, thus the fate of gamma-emitting radon progeny, after its formation by radioactive decay from radon, is expected to be closely linked to that of aerosols.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Gamma radiation measurements over the Atlantic Ocean were made on board the ship-rigged sailing ship NRP Sagres in the framework of project SAIL (Space-Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions in the marine boundary Layer). The measurements were performed continuously with a NaI(Tl) scintillator counting all gamma rays from 475 keV to 3 MeV.&amp;#160;&amp;#160;&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The counts from the sensor were recorded every 1 second into a computer system which had his time reference corrected by a GNSS pulse per second (PPS) signal. The GNSS was also used to precisely position the ship. The measurements were performed over the Atlantic ocean from January to May 2020, along the ship&amp;#8217;s round trip from Lisboa - Cape Verde &amp;#8211; Rio de Janeiro &amp;#8211; Buenos Aires &amp;#8211; Cape Town &amp;#8211; Cape Verde - Lisboa.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The results show that the gamma radiation time series displays considerable higher counts and larger variability in January compared to the remaining period. Reanalysis data also indicate higher aerosol concentration. This work investigates in detail the association between the temporal evolution of the gamma radiation measurements obtained from the SAIL campaign over the Atlantic Ocean and co-located total aerosol concentration at 550 nm obtained every 3 hours from EAC4(ECMWF Atmospheric Composition Reanalysis 4) data.&lt;/p&gt;


The effect of environmental parameters on radon concentration measured in an underground dead-end gallery (Vyhne, Slovakia)

Smetanova, I; Barbosa, SA; Vdacny, M; Csicsay, K; Silva, GA; Marekova, L; Almeida, C;


Radon concentration was continuously monitored in a horizontal dead-end gallery near Vyhne (Central Slovakia) from October 2005 to April 2008. Hourly average of radon varied from 2800 to 10 500 Bq/m(3). Temporal variation of radon, which contains periodic and non-periodic signals, spans variation of annual to diurnal scale. Time series of radon were analyzed together with meteorological parameters. The annual variation of radon seems to be connected with the annual variation of atmospheric pressure. The amplitude and shape of diurnal variation of radon changed during the year and is correlated with corresponding changes in the daily amplitude of atmospheric pressure.


An holistic monitoring system for measurement of the atmospheric electric field over the ocean - the SAIL campaign

Barbosa, S; Dias, N; Almeida, C; Amaral, G; Ferreira, A; Lima, L; Silva, I; Martins, A; Almeida, J; Camilo, M; Silva, E;


The atmospheric electric field is a key characteristic of the Earth system. Despite its relevance, oceanic measurements of the atmospheric electric field are scarce, as typically oceanic measurements tend to be focused on ocean properties rather than on the atmosphere above. This motivated the set-up of an innovative campaign on board the sail ship NRP Sagres focused on the measurement of the atmospheric electric field in the marine boundary layer. This paper describes the monitoring system that was developed to measure the atmospheric electric field during the planned circumnavigation expedition of the sail ship NRP Sagres.


Low Cost Underwater Acoustic Positioning System with a Simplified DoA Algorithm

Guedes, P; Viana, N; Silva, J; Amaral, G; Ferreira, H; Dias, A; Almeida, JM; Martins, A; Silva, EP;


For the context of a mobile tracking system, an underwater acoustic positioning system was developed, using three hydrophones to compute the direction of an acoustic source relative to an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV). The paper presents an algorithm for the Direction of Arrival (DoA) of an acoustic source, which allows to estimate its position. Preliminary results will be shown in this paper relative to the detection and identification (ID) of the acoustic sources, as well as an analysis of the proposed algorithm. The solution allows the position estimation of an acoustic source, which can be used in tracking solutions. The system can be applied in an ASV or fixed buoys, as long as the baseline's hydrophones are at equal angular distances. The main objective is to track targets with the DoA algorithm as well to estimate their position, improving what was done in [1].