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Hélder P. Oliveira Hélder P. Oliveira was born in Porto, Portugal, in 1980. He graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2004, received the M.Sc. degree in Automation, Instrumentation and Control in 2008 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2013 at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Portugal. He is currently working as Senior Researcher at INESC TEC - Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, a R&D institute affiliated to the University of Porto. He is the Leader of the Visual Computing and Machine Intelligence Area, member of the coordination council of the Centre for Telecommunications and Multimedia, and takes part of the Breast Research Group. He is also one of the coordinators of the Data Science Hub at INESC TEC. He is also working at the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto as an Invited Assistant Professor. Between 2014 and 2016 he was contracted as Invited Assistant Professor at Informatics Engineering Department of FEUP. Previously between 2008 and 2011 was working as Invited Assistant in the same Faculty and Department. Hélder Oliveira is the principal investigator in 2 funded research projects (LuCaS, MICOS), project member in 4 projects (S-MODE, HEMOSwimmers, LEGEM and TAMI). In the past was also project member in 5 other funded projects (one European and 4 National) and 3 other as research assistant. He was also responsible at INESC TEC for other 2 projects related with technological transfer with industry, the project Evo3DModel with Adapttech - Adaptation Technologies and the project FollicleCounter with Saúde Viável. He was the founder member and coordinator (between 2010 and 2013) of the Bio-related Image Processing and Analysis Student’s Group (BioStar) at FEUP. Since 2007 I have co-authored 20 peer-reviewed papers and 8 journal abstracts. I have 1 patent conceded (Europe, China, Japan), 3 book chapters and also 64 works in international conferences, 40 articles in national refereed conferences and participated in the creation of 3 public datasets. In total, these publications have attracted 748 citations, with h-index of 14 according to Harzing’s Publish or Perish application on March 30, 2021. He was one of the mentors and belonged to the organizer committee of the VISion Understanding and Machine Intelligence (VISUM) summer school in 6 editions of the event. He also participated in the organization of other 12 events and was invited as keynote speaker in 3 international events. Hélder Oliveira is currently supervising 6 PhD Students, and has 1 Phd Student concluded as supervisor in 2018. During his career supervised (or co-supervised) 56 MSc students. Currently supervises 4 research fellows in projects at INESC TEC. Hélder Oliveira participated as principal jury in 2 PhD and 15 MSc defences as principal examiner. Hélder Oliveira is member of Portuguese Association of Pattern Recognition (APRP) and was been elected for president of the fiscal council in 2017. His research interests include medical image analysis, bio-image analysis, computer vision, image and video processing, machine learning, data science, computer science, programming, and 3D modelling.



  • Name

    Hélder Filipe Oliveira
  • Role

    Assistant Researcher
  • Since

    01st November 2008


Systematic review on weapon detection in surveillance footage through deep learning

Santos, T; Oliveira, H; Cunha, A;


In recent years, the number of crimes with weapons has grown on a large scale worldwide, mainly in locations where enforcement is lacking or possessing weapons is legal. It is necessary to combat this type of criminal activity to identify criminal behavior early and allow police and law enforcement agencies immediate action.Despite the human visual structure being highly evolved and able to process images quickly and accurately if an individual watches something very similar for a long time, there is a possibility of slowness and lack of attention. In addition, large surveillance systems with numerous equipment require a surveillance team, which increases the cost of operation. There are several solutions for automatic weapon detection based on computer vision; however, these have limited performance in challenging contexts.A systematic review of the current literature on deep learning-based weapon detection was conducted to identify the methods used, the main characteristics of the existing datasets, and the main problems in the area of automatic weapon detection. The most used models were the Faster R-CNN and the YOLO architecture. The use of realistic images and synthetic data showed improved performance. Several challenges were identified in weapon detection, such as poor lighting conditions and the difficulty of small weapon detection, the last being the most prominent. Finally, some future directions are outlined with a special focus on small weapon detection.


Special Issue on Novel Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Health

Pereira, T; Cunha, A; Oliveira, HP;


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the big hopes for the future of a positive revolution in the use of medical data to improve clinical routine and personalized medicine [...]


Learning Models for Bone Marrow Edema Detection in Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Ribeiro, G; Pereira, T; Silva, F; Sousa, J; Carvalho, DC; Dias, SC; Oliveira, HP;


Bone marrow edema (BME) is the term given to the abnormal fluid signal seen within the bone marrow on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It usually indicates the presence of underlying pathology and is associated with a myriad of conditions/causes. However, it can be misleading, as in some cases, it may be associated with normal changes in the bone, especially during the growth period of childhood, and objective methods for assessment are lacking. In this work, learning models for BME detection were developed. Transfer learning was used to overcome the size limitations of the dataset, and two different regions of interest (ROI) were defined and compared to evaluate their impact on the performance of the model: bone segmention and intensity mask. The best model was obtained for the high intensity masking technique, which achieved a balanced accuracy of 0.792 +/- 0.034. This study represents a comparison of different models and data regularization techniques for BME detection and showed promising results, even in the most difficult range of ages: children and adolescents. The application of machine learning methods will help to decrease the dependence on the clinicians, providing an initial stratification of the patients based on the probability of edema presence and supporting their decisions on the diagnosis.


Lung CT image synthesis using GANs

Mendes, J; Pereira, T; Silva, F; Frade, J; Morgado, J; Freitas, C; Negrao, E; de Lima, BF; da Silva, MC; Madureira, AJ; Ramos, I; Costa, JL; Hespanhol, V; Cunha, A; Oliveira, HP;


Biomedical engineering has been targeted as a potential research candidate for machine learning applications, with the purpose of detecting or diagnosing pathologies. However, acquiring relevant, high-quality, and heterogeneous medical datasets is challenging due to privacy and security issues and the effort required to annotate the data. Generative models have recently gained a growing interest in the computer vision field due to their ability to increase dataset size by generating new high-quality samples from the initial set, which can be used as data augmentation of a training dataset. This study aimed to synthesize artificial lung images from corresponding positional and semantic annotations using two generative adversarial networks and databases of real computed tomography scans: the Pix2Pix approach that generates lung images from the lung segmentation maps; and the conditional generative adversarial network (cCGAN) approach that was implemented with additional semantic labels in the generation process. To evaluate the quality of the generated images, two quantitative measures were used: the domain-specific Frechet Inception Distance and Structural Similarity Index. Additionally, an expert assessment was performed to measure the capability to distinguish between real and generated images. The assessment performed shows the high quality of synthesized images, which was confirmed by the expert evaluation. This work represents an innovative application of GAN approaches for medical application taking into consideration the pathological findings in the CT images and the clinical evaluation to assess the realism of these features in the generated images.


Machine learning-based approaches for cancer prediction using microbiome data

Freitas, P; Silva, F; Sousa, JV; Ferreira, RM; Figueiredo, C; Pereira, T; Oliveira, HP;


Emerging evidence of the relationship between the microbiome composition and the development of numerous diseases, including cancer, has led to an increasing interest in the study of the human microbiome. Technological breakthroughs regarding DNA sequencing methods propelled microbiome studies with a large number of samples, which called for the necessity of more sophisticated data-analytical tools to analyze this complex relationship. The aim of this work was to develop a machine learning-based approach to distinguish the type of cancer based on the analysis of the tissue-specific microbial information, assessing the human microbiome as valuable predictive information for cancer identification. For this purpose, Random Forest algorithms were trained for the classification of five types of cancer-head and neck, esophageal, stomach, colon, and rectum cancers-with samples provided by The Cancer Microbiome Atlas database. One versus all and multi-class classification studies were conducted to evaluate the discriminative capability of the microbial data across increasing levels of cancer site specificity, with results showing a progressive rise in difficulty for accurate sample classification. Random Forest models achieved promising performances when predicting head and neck, stomach, and colon cancer cases, with the latter returning accuracy scores above 90% across the different studies conducted. However, there was also an increased difficulty when discriminating esophageal and rectum cancers, failing to differentiate with adequate results rectum from colon cancer cases, and esophageal from head and neck and stomach cancers. These results point to the fact that anatomically adjacent cancers can be more complex to identify due to microbial similarities. Despite the limitations, microbiome data analysis using machine learning may advance novel strategies to improve cancer detection and prevention, and decrease disease burden.



Automatic insect count in trap images using deep learning

Ana Cláudia Carvalhais Teixeira



Inventory Management in a Process Industry

Mariana Gonçalves Barrias



Dysphonic to natural voice reconstruction based on adaptive phonetic segmentation and synthetic implantation

João Miguel Pinto Pereira da Silva



Application of a Central Battery Energy Storage for a Community Microgrid

Conceição Cristina Ferreira Pereira



Robust occupant action classification in shared autonomous vehicles

Vítor Hugo Pereira Barbosa
