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Helder Fontes received the MSc degree in 2010 and Ph.D. degree in 2019, both in Informatics Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal. He is the coordinator of the Wireless Networks (WiN) area at INESC TEC and since 2009 he has participated in multiple national and EU research projects, including SITMe, HiperWireless, FP7 SUNNY, H2020 ResponDrone, DECARBONIZE, FLY.PT and Fed4FIRE+ SIMBED, SIMBED+ and SMART open call projects. He has been advisor of 10+ MSc theses on wireless networking simulation, emulation, and experimentation. His research interests include wireless networking simulation, emulation, and experimentation in the scope of emerging scenarios such as airborne and maritime, with special focus on repeatability and reproducibility of experiments using digital twins of wireless testbeds.



  • Name

    Hélder Martins Fontes
  • Role

    Area Manager
  • Since

    15th September 2009


Towards truly sustainable IoT systems: the SUPERIOT project

Katz, M; Paso, T; Mikhaylov, K; Pessoa, L; Fontes, H; Hakola, L; Leppaeniemi, J; Carlos, E; Dolmans, G; Rufo, J; Drzewiecki, M; Sallouha, H; Napier, B; Branquinho, A; Eder, K;


This paper provides an overview of the SUPERIOT project, an EU SNS JU (Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking) initiative focused on developing truly sustainable IoT systems. The SUPERIOT concept is based on a unique holistic approach to sustainability, proactively developing sustainable solutions considering the design, implementation, usage and disposal/reuse stages. The concept exploits radio and optical technologies to provide dual-mode wireless connectivity and dual-mode energy harvesting as well as dual-mode IoT node positioning. The implementation of the IoT nodes or devices will maximize the use of sustainable printed electronics technologies, including printed components, conductive inks and substrates. The paper describes the SUPERIOT concept, covering the key technical approaches to be used, promising scenarios and applications, project goals and demonstrators which will be developed to the proof-of-concept stage. In addition, the paper briefly discusses some important visions on how this technology may be further developed in the future.


Trajectory-Aware Rate Adaptation for Flying Networks

Queiros, R; Ruela, J; Fontes, H; Campos, R;

Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

Despite the trend towards ubiquitous wireless connectivity, there are scenarios where the communications infrastructure is damaged and wireless coverage is insufficient or does not exist, such as in natural disasters and temporary crowded events. Flying networks, composed of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), have emerged as a flexible and cost-effective solution to provide on-demand wireless connectivity in these scenarios. UAVs have the capability to operate virtually everywhere, and the growing payload capacity makes them suitable platforms to carry wireless communications hardware. The state of the art in the field of flying networks is mainly focused on the optimal positioning of the flying nodes, while the wireless link parameters are configured with default values. On the other hand, current link adaptation algorithms are mainly targeting fixed or low mobility scenarios. We propose a novel rate adaptation approach for flying networks, named Trajectory Aware Rate Adaptation (TARA), which leverages the knowledge of flying nodes’ movement to predict future channel conditions and perform rate adaptation accordingly. Simulation results of 100 different trajectories show that our solution increases throughput by up to 53% and achieves an average improvement of 14%, when compared with conventional rate adaptation algorithms such as Minstrel-HT. © ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2024.


On the Analysis of Computational Delays in Reinforcement Learning-Based Rate Adaptation Algorithms

Trancoso, R; Pinto, J; Queirós, R; Fontes, H; Campos, R;

Simulation Tools and Techniques - 15th EAI International Conference, SIMUtools 2023, Seville, Spain, December 14-15, 2023, Proceedings

Several research works have applied Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms to solve the Rate Adaptation (RA) problem in Wi-Fi networks. The dynamic nature of the radio link requires the algorithms to be responsive to changes in link quality. Delays in the execution of the algorithm due to implementional details may be detrimental to its performance, which in turn may decrease network performance. These delays can be avoided to a certain extent. However, this aspect has been overlooked in the state of the art when using simulated environments, since the computational delays are not considered. In this paper, we present an analysis of computational delays and their impact on the performance of RL-based RA algorithms, and propose a methodology to incorporate the experimental computational delays of the algorithms from running in a specific target hardware, in a simulation environment. Our simulation results considering the real computational delays showed that these delays do, in fact, degrade the algorithm’s execution and training capabilities which, in the end, has a negative impact on network performance. © ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2024.


UAV-Assisted Wireless Communications: An Experimental Analysis of A2G and G2A Channels

Shafafi, K; Almeida, EN; Coelho, A; Fontes, H; Ricardo, M; Campos, R;

Simulation Tools and Techniques - 15th EAI International Conference, SIMUtools 2023, Seville, Spain, December 14-15, 2023, Proceedings

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) offer promising potential as communications node carriers, providing on-demand wireless connectivity to users. While existing literature presents various wireless channel models, it often overlooks the impact of UAV heading. This paper provides an experimental characterization of the Air-to-Ground (A2G) and Ground-to-Air (G2A) wireless channels in an open environment with no obstacles nor interference, considering the distance and the UAV heading. We analyze the received signal strength indicator and the TCP throughput between a ground user and a UAV, covering distances between 50 m and 500 m, and considering different UAV headings. Additionally, we characterize the antenna’s radiation pattern based on UAV headings. The paper provides valuable perspectives on the capabilities of UAVs in offering on-demand and dynamic wireless connectivity, as well as highlights the significance of considering UAV heading and antenna configurations in real-world scenarios.


Position-Based Machine Learning Propagation Loss Model Enabling Fast Digital Twins of Wireless Networks in ns-3

Almeida, EN; Fontes, H; Campos, R; Ricardo, M;


Digital twins have been emerging as a hybrid approach that combines the benefits of simulators with the realism of experimental testbeds. The accurate and repeatable set-ups replicating the dynamic conditions of physical environments, enable digital twins of wireless networks to be used to evaluate the performance of next-generation networks. In this paper, we propose the Position-based Machine Learning Propagation Loss Model (P-MLPL), enabling the creation of fast and more precise digital twins of wireless networks in ns-3. Based on network traces collected in an experimental testbed, the P-MLPL model estimates the propagation loss suffered by packets exchanged between a transmitter and a receiver, considering the absolute node's positions and the traffic direction. The P-MLPL model is validated with a test suite. The results show that the P-MLPL model can predict the propagation loss with a median error of 2.5 dB, which corresponds to 0.5x the error of existing models in ns-3. Moreover, ns-3 simulations with the P-MLPL model estimated the throughput with an error up to 2.5 Mbit/s, when compared to the real values measured in the testbed.



Smart Aerial Networks using Machine Learning for Cross-Layer Optimization

Rúben Miguel Rei Queirós



Reinforcement Learning-Based Positioning Algorithm for Relay Nodes in Aerial Networks

Gabriella Fernandes Pantaleão



A Machine Learning-aided Wireless Network Digital Twin using Multimodal Input Data

Ricardo Jorge Espirito Santo Trancoso



Reinforcement Learning-Based Positioning Algorithm for Relay Nodes in Aerial Networks

Gabriella Fernandes Pantaleão



Data-driven Traffic Generation Model for Network Digital Twins

Catarina Mouro de Sousa
