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Hugo Miguel Silva was born in Porto, Portugal 1979. He finished is lic. degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from ISEP Porto Polytechnic School in 2004. He pursue further studies and obtained his Master in Electronics and Computers Engineering, from IST University of Lisbon in 2008.

In 2009 he obtained a PhD Scholarship from Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), and graduated (Phd) in Electronics and Computers Engineering, from IST University of Lisbon in 2014.

He currently works in INESC TEC as a senior researcher, where he is project member in several international FP7, H2020 (SUNNY, VAMOS) projects.

He is the main author of several research publications in the domains of computer vision and mobile robotics applications.



  • Name

    Hugo Miguel Silva
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    03rd October 2011


A Preliminary Study on Spectral Unmixing for Marine Plastic Debris Surveying

Maravalhas Silva, J; Silva, H; Lima, AP; Silva, E;

Oceans Conference Record (IEEE)

We present a pilot study where spectral unmixing is applied to hyperspectral images captured in a controlled environment with a threefold purpose in mind: validation of our experimental setup, of the data processing pipeline, and of the usage of spectral unmixing algorithms for the aforementioned research avenue. Results from this study show that classical techniques such as VCA and FCLS can be used to distinguish between plastic and nonplastic materials, but struggle significantly to distinguish between spectrally similar plastics, even in the presence of multiple pure pixels. © 2024 IEEE.


Multibeam Multi-Frequency Characterization of Water Column Litter

Guedes, PA; Silva, H; Wang, S; Martins, A; Almeida, JM; Silva, E;

Oceans Conference Record (IEEE)

This paper explores the potential use of acoustic imaging and the use of a multi-frequency multibeam-echosounder (MBES) for monitoring marine litter in the water column. The main goal is to perform a test and validation setup using a simulation and actual experimental setup to determine if the MBES data can detect marine litter in a water column image (WCI) and if using multi-frequency MBES data will allow to better distinguish and characterize marine litter debris in detection applications. Results using simulated HoloOcean Environment and actual marine litter data revealed the successful detection of objects commonly found in ocean litter hotspots at various ranges and frequencies, enablingthe pursue of novel means of automatic detection and classification in MBES WCI data while using multi-frequency capabilities. © 2024 IEEE.


Acoustic Imaging Learning-Based Approaches for Marine Litter Detection and Classification

Guedes, PA; Silva, HM; Wang, S; Martins, A; Almeida, J; Silva, E;

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

This paper introduces an advanced acoustic imaging system leveraging multibeam water column data at various frequencies to detect and classify marine litter. This study encompasses (i) the acquisition of test tank data for diverse types of marine litter at multiple acoustic frequencies; (ii) the creation of a comprehensive acoustic image dataset with meticulous labelling and formatting; (iii) the implementation of sophisticated classification algorithms, namely support vector machine (SVM) and convolutional neural network (CNN), alongside cutting-edge detection algorithms based on transfer learning, including single-shot multibox detector (SSD) and You Only Look once (YOLO), specifically YOLOv8. The findings reveal discrimination between different classes of marine litter across the implemented algorithms for both detection and classification. Furthermore, cross-frequency studies were conducted to assess model generalisation, evaluating the performance of models trained on one acoustic frequency when tested with acoustic images based on different frequencies. This approach underscores the potential of multibeam data in the detection and classification of marine litter in the water column, paving the way for developing novel research methods in real-life environments.


The MONET dataset: Multimodal drone thermal dataset recorded in rural scenarios

Riz L.; Caraffa A.; Bortolon M.; Mekhalfi M.L.; Boscaini D.; Moura A.; Antunes J.; Dias A.; Silva H.; Leonidou A.; Constantinides C.; Keleshis C.; Abate D.; Poiesi F.;

IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops

We present MONET, a new multimodal dataset captured using a thermal camera mounted on a drone that flew over rural areas, and recorded human and vehicle activities. We captured MONET to study the problem of object localisation and behaviour understanding of targets undergoing large-scale variations and being recorded from different and moving viewpoints. Target activities occur in two different land sites, each with unique scene structures and cluttered backgrounds. MONET consists of approximately 53K images featuring 162K manually annotated bounding boxes. Each image is timestamp-aligned with drone metadata that includes information about attitudes, speed, altitude, and GPS coordinates. MONET is different from previous thermal drone datasets because it features multimodal data, including rural scenes captured with thermal cameras containing both person and vehicle targets, along with trajectory information and metadata. We assessed the difficulty of the dataset in terms of transfer learning between the two sites and evaluated nine object detection algorithms to identify the open challenges associated with this type of data. Project page:


Hyperspectral Imaging Zero-Shot Learning for Remote Marine Litter Detection and Classification

Freitas, S; Silva, H; Silva, E;


This paper addresses the development of a novel zero-shot learning method for remote marine litter hyperspectral imaging data classification. The work consisted of using an airborne acquired marine litter hyperspectral imaging dataset that contains data about different plastic targets and other materials and assessing the viability of detecting and classifying plastic materials without knowing their exact spectral response in an unsupervised manner. The classification of the marine litter samples was divided into known and unknown classes, i.e., classes that were hidden from the dataset during the training phase. The obtained results show a marine litter automated detection for all the classes, including (in the worst case of an unknown class) a precision rate over 56% and an overall accuracy of 98.71%.



Hyperspectral Imaging for Remote Marine Litter Detection and Classification using Learning based Approaches

Sara Costa Freitas



Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging and Spectral Unmixing for Marine Litter Surveying

Jose Eduardo Santos Maravalhas Silva



´Marine litter detection via acoustic imaging with a Deep Learning framework

Pedro Guedes Oliveira



Deep Learning For Visual Odometry Estimation

Bernardo Gomes Teixeira


Deep Learning Unmanned Robotic Hyperspectral Imaging for Sustainable Forests and Water Management

Sara Freitas
