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  • Name

    Joana Costa
  • Role

    External Research Collaborator
  • Since

    20th November 2019


Leadership Styles and Innovation Management: What Is the Role of Human Capital?

Costa, J; Padua, M; Moreira, AC;


Leadership styles and human capital are important drivers of innovation processes. The way the leader interacts with the organization members can pre-empt or leverage innovation processes as leaders influence, empower and motivate other individuals in the achievement of their goals. Human capital is an important driver of innovation and competitiveness, as it will shape the uniqueness of the company as well as the process to obtain skills, capabilities, knowledge and expertise. As such, the main objectives of the paper are to analyze the impact of leadership styles on the innovation process and also to address the moderation effect of the human capital on the previous relation. Four leadership styles-autocratic, transactional, democratic, and transformational-were considered to measure their impacts on the innovation process, considering the alternative types of innovations. The 2018 Community Innovation Survey (CIS) database was used, encompassing Portuguese data, covering the 2016-2018 period, with a sample of 13702 firms. In regard to the empirical part, first, an exploratory analysis was run to better understand the connection between the leadership styles and the innovative strategies followed by an econometric estimation encompassing 28 logit models to disentangle the specific impacts of each leader on each innovation type. Evidence proves that autocratic and transactional leadership styles have a negative impact on innovation and transformational and democratic leadership impact innovation positively. Furthermore, human capital was found to moderate the relationship between leadership styles and the innovation process; i.e., under the same leadership style, the presence of additional skills leverages innovative propensity. The paper brings relevant insights for both managers and policymakers, highlighting that innovation will be accelerated if firms implement more participatory (democratic and transformational) leadership styles and also if they invest in competences to promote knowledge internalization and share. All in all, participatory leadership combined with the internal skills is proved to be an efficient combination for innovation to take place; as such, policy instruments must promote the coexistence of these two factors.


Persistence in Innovation. Do Low-Tech Sectors Differ Much from the High-Tech?

Costa, J; Tashakori, N;


Disentangling innovation from growth is unrealistic in the present times. Also, anticipating the future behavior of innovative firms is relevant to the entire innovation ecosystem; and assessing the persistence of innovation and appraising the role of factors affecting ongoing innovation activities in firms is essential. This chapter discusses a very important subject related to the concept of innovation persistence in relation to structural innovation characteristics of firms, with a focus on technological regimes, to better understand if there is change in innivation continuity accordingly to the technological intensity embedded in the sector. The empirical research is based on data from CIS database, comprising 3237 firms which present in the 2014 and 2018 waves. We analyze the innovative persistence behavior of these firms regarding proxies like firm dimension, innovation activities, types of innovation, government funding, and more importantly, technological regimes. To do this, we applied binary logistic regression for developing a model which can forecast the drivers of innovation persistency propensity. The presented study shows that some very important results are achieved. Besides demonstrating innovative persistency in 75% of science-based firms, the findings confirm that firms in high-tech and science-based industries are more prone to continue innovating and, as a result, this consistency in innovation will generate virtuous cycles of innovation. Furthermore, our data shows that complex innovators are more likely to persist than single innovators, proving the existence of complementarities among the innovation types.


Towards Digital Transformation: A Case Study to Identify and Mitigate COVID-19 in the Retail Industry

Lopes, M; Reis, J; Melao, N; Costa, J;


The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how retailers have used the digital transformation to mitigate the negative effects of COVID-19. As this research aims to understand a real-life phenomenon for which there is very limited knowledge, we created the opportunity to empirically explore the digital transformation in the retail industry during COVID-19 pandemic. In general terms, the research follows a qualitative, descriptive, and exploratory case study design. The results have shown that retailers should focus on technological innovations, adapt their business models, manage their distribution channels, and strengthen their customer-centric strategy. Moreover, it is necessary to emphasize that while smart retail is gradually standing out in the sector, there are also some factors that have not been overcome, such as lack of digital culture, training, and digital leadership. Despite these identified difficulties, the adoption of a digital strategy will allow a differentiating, safe and secure shopping experience, which today is one of the decisive factors for the survival of companies. The COVID-19 pandemic had social and economic effects in all industries - retail was no exception. In turn, the digital technologies already used by companies began to contribute to retailers being able to respond more quickly to customer needs, having been fundamental in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this research is one of the first to explore this topic, bringing new contributions to theory and managerial practice.


Internationalization of Family Businesses: Does Size Really Matter?

Costa, J;

Research Anthology on Strategies for Maintaining Successful Family Firms

Worldwide, family businesses are one of the cornerstones of the entrepreneurial fabric, being as a consequence central to growth and development. In a globalized era, these institutions require the attention of businessmen, practitioners, and policymakers. The chapter seeks to examine if the internationalization performance does vary according to firm size, and its link to the innovative performance in multiple dimensions along with conventional characteristics such as age and turnover. Theoretical research evidences the interest in understanding the patterns and determinants of the internationalization performance, given its importance in firm growth and survival; however, this strategical option brings advantages and problems. Empirical evidence demonstrates that the determinants do change according to firm dimension; estimations provide valuable insights about the connection between globalized operation and innovation, for the different organisations. © 2022 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.


Internationalization Strategies at a Crossroads: Family Business Market Diffusion in the Post-COVID Era

Costa, J;


COVID-19 is the last nail in the coffin of globalization as we know it. This research aims to explore the influence of capital ownership in the (re)design of internationalization strategies among firms, considering the new macroeconomic challenges. It is commonly accepted that the extent to which family businesses approach internationalization differs from their counterparts; as such, the identification of leverages or hinderers in this process and the potential singularities of these firms is urgent. Intermittences in global operation and discontinuous internationalization paths remain overlooked in the theory. Continuity or intermittence across the internationalization strategies, as well as their determinants, were tested using data from the triennia of 2018, 2019, and 2020; the data were gathered from the Iberian Balance Sheet Analysis System Database (SABI), through a balanced panel of 26,154 firms belonging to all sectors of the manufacturing industry. Empirical evidence supports the heterogeneity of strategies among family businesses, as well as dissimilarities from their non-family counterparts. The firm dimension, experience in global operation, and the regional ecosystem in which the firm is embedded are identified as being central in internationalization endeavors. Urgency and assertiveness of policy action addressing the new macroeconomic challenges are required to foster economic recovery, and exploring extant entrepreneurial fabric potential and the already-established networks will determine the pace and success of the measures. Moreover, empirical evidence reinforces region-specific actions to be implemented, proposing the re-location of economic activities while promoting the intensification of spatial clustering and international networking. Designing an accurate policy package places demands upon heterogeneous players and layers of action, overlapping clusters and networks, and the creation of a multilevel ecosystem in which the flow of economic, human, and knowledge aspects circulate, reinforcing community resilience.