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I’m a Senior Researcher and Project Manager at INESC TEC. I started my work at this institution back in 1992 as a software developer and systems & database administrator. Soon, in 1995, I embraced the project manager role and have since then led a large number of projects in multiple domains (Operations Management, Internal Logistics, Automation, Knowledge Management, Systems Architecture &  Integration, Planning & Scheduling, Benchmarking & Business Intelligence) and industries (Shoe, textile, metal tooling, Civil Construction, Chemical, Architecture, Government, Universities).

I hold a Degree in Electronics and Telecommunications by the University of Aveiro and postgraduates degrees in Management (by EGP-UP) and Medical Informatics (by the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Sciences of UP).   

My current main research area of interest at INESC TEC is Integrated Planning & Scheduling in the context of Industry 4.0.



  • Name

    Luís Guardão
  • Role

    Senior Researcher
  • Since

    08th June 1992


Processos sistemáticos de extração e de consolidação da informação de elementos em modelos BIM para parametrização de artigos ProNIC

Teixeira, J; Guardão, L; Mêda, P; Moreira, J; Sousa, R; Sousa, H; Ribeiro, Y;

5º Congresso Português de Building Information Modelling Volume 1: ptBIM



Digitalization of the Concreting Process in Construction

Pinto, P; Catorze, C; Guardão, L; Lima, L; Moutinho, J; Dias, JP; Amândio, M; Martins, P; Silva, L; Rodrigues, R;

CENTERIS 2023 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2023, Porto, Portugal, November 8-10, 2023.

The delivery of concrete is a crucial process in construction projects, and any delay or error can cause significant setbacks and added costs. Thus, effective real-time management of concrete delivery is essential to ensure timely and successful project completion. In this paper, we will discuss a practical and manufacturer-agnostic approach to real-time management of concrete delivery for construction named BET 4.0 that is being conceived with a close partnership with a construction company. This application provides the possibility to optimize the whole concreting process as it establishes the connection between all the relevant components and stakeholders involved in the construction process, namely the concrete plant, the transport, and the construction site, interfacing with all actors involved, and benefiting from real-time data produced by installed sensors in the several components such as machines, plants, or construction elements.


Management of Road Paving Processes - Application Case

Pinto, P; Catorze, C; Lima, L; Guardão, L; Moutinho, J; Dias, JP; Amândio, M; Martins, P; Silva, L; Afonso, J; Figueiredo, J;

CENTERIS 2023 - International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2023, Porto, Portugal, November 8-10, 2023.

Infrastructure construction companies encounter numerous challenges in managing large and dispersed teams, along with fragmented or non-existent operational data. These challenges often result in delays, inefficiencies, and over-budget projects. Road pavement works are an example of this, as they heavily rely on expensive heavy construction equipment that requires detailed planning and real-time adjustments. Also, pavement quality is closely linked to the quality of the asphalt mixture in terms of viscosity and compactability, which is significantly influenced by temperature. This paper describes the features, challenges and results of a road paving real-time management system that was conceived in a co-creation environment with a construction company. Such a partnership has allowed to specify the requirements of such an application aligned with the identified needs of a real-world development. According with the state-of-the-art, this innovative system is unique in the way it is manufacturer-agnostic and designed to be compatible with most situations. It is also data production-oriented to allow future developments that may provide business analytics or scientific research in the road paving area. This work also presents the development of sensors such as a high precision geolocalized infrared matricial temperature sensor for the application of the bituminous mixture, the data and communication structure, and a web-based interface that manages the construction projects for different stakeholders.


Scheduling footwear moulding injection machines for a long time horizon

Sadeghi, P; Guardão, L; Rebelo, RD; Ferreira, JS;

Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The paper deals with a relevant scheduling problem associated with moulding injection machines. A footwear company, equipped with advanced automation machinery, faces true difficulties in planning the injection equipment production. It is crucial to respect delivery times without disruptions. There are many conditions associated with footwear and technological issues to consider, such as the weekly demand for different models and sizes, which is major to satisfy them on time. The moulds for each size of a model and distinct available machines, with varying quantities of positions for the moulds, are other concerned matters. Changeover times, which occur when changing moulds, are critical. Stocks are also considered. The time horizon attains tens of weeks. We developed an integer optimisation model with the objectives of minimising both changeovers and stocks. That initial model underwent a few simplifications, acceptable from a strategic and technological point of view, due to the impossibility of reaching admissible solutions. The new version can solve the real dimension problems optimally, those that matter. The paper describes one case, and the solution obtained. The new approach followed, and the solutions obtained, are essential for the company, given the planning difficulties; moreover, the method may also be relevant for any footwear industry facing similar combinatorial optimisation problems. © IEOM Society International.


Exploring the Linkages Between the Internet of Things and Planning and Control Systems in Industrial Applications

Soares, R; Marques, A; Gomes, R; Guardão, L; Hernández, E; Rebelo, R;

Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering

The potential of the Internet of Things (IoT) and other technologies in the realm of Industry 4.0 to generate valuable data for monitoring the performance of the production processes and the whole supply chain is well established. However, these large volumes of data can be used within planning and control systems (PCSs) to enhance real-time planning and decision-making. This paper conducts a literature review to envisage an overall system architecture that combines IoT and PCS for planning, monitoring and control of operations at the level of an industrial production process or at the level of its supply chain. Despite the extensive literature on IoT implementations, few studies explain the interactions between IoT and the components of PCS. It is expected that, with the increasing digitization of business processes, approaches with PCS and IoT become ubiquitous in the near future. © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.