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I was born in Porto (Portugal) in 8 April 1955, graduated in Electrical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto - FEUP (1977), and completed my PhD in Power Systems in 1988, also from the University of Porto. In November 1996 I got the aggregation title from the University of Porto. In 1978, I joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of FEUP, where I am Full Professor since 2000. In the period 1990-98, I was also the Director of the Library of FEUP. In the period 2001-08, I was the director of the MSc program on Information Management, and I was the director of the PhD program in Sustainable Energy Systems, integrated in the MIT-Portugal program. I lectured several courses in graduation, MSc and PhD courses in Electrical Engineering and Power Systems and supervised the research activities of many graduation, MSc and PhD students. I also collaborated with the Management School of the University of Porto, lecturing MSc courses on Decision-Aid. I was a member of the Senate of the University of Porto since October 2009 until 2017. I retired from FEUP in May 2022.

In 1985 I joined INESC (now INESC TEC). Since 1996 I coordinate the Centre for Power and Energy Systems of INESC TEC, leading 100+ researchers (including 30+ PhD). I was the President of the Scientific Council of INESC TEC since 2001 until 2022. I have been involved in several national, EU and international RTD projects and in development contracts and consultancy for utilities, TSO, DSO, industrial partners, government agencies and for the Regulatory Authority for the Energy Services of Portugal. In particular, I was the responsible for the INESC TEC research team in the EU financed projects “CARE” (Advanced Control Advice for power systems with large-scale integration of Renewable Energy sources), “MORE CARE” (More Advanced Control Advice for Secure Operation of Isolated Power Systems with Increased Renewable Energy Penetration and Storage) and “ANEMOS.PLUS” (Advanced Tools for the Management of Electricity Grids with Large-Scale Wind Generation). I was the Principal Investigator of project “SusCity” (Urban data driven models for creative and resourceful urban transitions), financed by FCT (MPP-Testbed).

I also coordinated the research teams of the contracts “CCR” (Load Profiling and Distribution Network Characterization), with EDP Distribution (the Portuguese DSO), Study on the Impact of Large Renewable Deployment on European Electricity Higher Voltage Systems (JRC-Institute for Energy), “RESERVES” (Mid and Long Term Evaluation of the adequacy of Operational Reserve levels in the Iberian Electric Power Systems), with the TSO of Portugal (REN) and Spain (REE), “RECEP” (Development and testing of methodologies to determine the hosting capacity in the nodes of the National Grid of Portugal) (REN), “ReservaProb” (Software Module for helping setting the operational reserve of the National Electric System) (REN) and “MORA” (Long-term adequacy evaluation of reserves in a multi-area context) (REN). I was also involved in consultancy actions regarding the design of public tenders, namely the call for tenders for new wind power generation in Portugal mainland in 2006)

My research interests include classic and fuzzy modeling of power systems, reliability and optimization and decision-aid, with application to renewables’ integration, electric vehicles’ deployment and smart grids. I was involved in the organization of the international conferences PMAPS’2000, IEEE PPT’2001, ISAP’2015 and EEM’2016. I am a member of the Editorial board of EPSR (Top Reviewer in 2010) and of Int J of Multicriteria Decision Making. I am a senior member of IEEE.



  • Name

    Manuel Matos
  • Role

    Centre Coordinator
  • Since

    01st April 1985


Collective Asset Sharing Mechanisms for PV and BESS in Renewable Energy Communities

Guedes, W; Oliveira, C; Soares, TA; Dias, BH; Matos, M;


The energy sector transition to more decentralized and renewable structures requires greater participation by local consumers, which may be enabled by innovative models such as the setup of renewable energy communities (RECs). To maximize the self-consumption of local renewable energy generated by assets normally connected to the low voltage distribution grid, these RECs typically involve jointly owned assets such as collective photovoltaic solar panels (CPVs) and collective energy storage systems (CESS). This work proposes a novel mathematical model for a REC, accounting for three distinct economic approaches to the redistribution of collective benefits among community members. The main objective of this study is to understand how the participation of community members in collective assets (CAs) can help increase the fairness and equity of RECs. An illustrative REC case comprising members with individual and collective ownership of the assets is used to assess the proposed economic approaches. Extracting several answers, among them that the most advantageous configuration comes from agents with quotas in the CESS and CPV. An important conclusion is that depending on the selected economic approach, the social welfare and agent's revenue vary significantly. In any case, CESSs increase equity among REC members.


Public policies to foster green hydrogen seasonal storage: Portuguese study case model until 2040

Santos, BH; Lopes, JP; Carvalho, L; Matos, M; Alves, I;


Portugal made a climate commitment when it ratified the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015. As a result, Portugal, along with other EU members, has created a national roadmap for the deployment of hydrogen as a crucial component of Portugal ' s energy transition towards carbon neutrality, creating synergies between the electric and gas systems. The increased variability of generation from variable renewable power sources will create challenges regarding the security of supply, requiring investment in storage solutions to minimize renewable energy curtailment and to provide dispatchability to the electric power system. Hydrogen can be a renewable energy carrier capable of ensuring not only the desired transformation of the infrastructures of the gas system but also an integrator of the Electric System, such as in Power -to -Power (P2P) systems. Hydrogen can be produced with a surplus of renewable electricity from wind and solar, allowing a long-term energy seasonal storage strategy, namely by using underground salt caverns, to be subsequently transformed into electricity when demand cannot be supplied due to a shortage of renewable generation from solar or wind. P2P investments are capital intensive and require the development of transitional regulation mechanisms to both create opportunities to market agents while fostering the energy surplus valuation and decreasing the energy dependency. In order to maintain the electric system ' s security of supply, the suggested methodology innovatively manages the importance of seasonal storage of renewable energy surplus using hydrogen in power systems. It suggests a novel set of regulatory strategies to foster the creation of a P2P solution that maintains generation adequacy while assisting in decarbonising the electric power industry. Such methodology combines long-term adequacy assessment with regulatory framework evaluation to evaluate the cost of the proposed solutions to the energy system. A case study based on the Portuguese power system outlook between 2030 and 2040 demonstrates that the considerable renewable energy surplus can be stored as hydrogen and converted back into electricity to assure adequate security of supply levels throughout the year with economic feasibility under distinct public policy models.


Design of an Energy Policy for the Decarbonisation of Residential and Service Buildings in Northern Portugal

Capelo, S; Soares, T; Azevedo, I; Fonseca, W; Matos, MA;


The decarbonisation of the building sector is crucial for Portugal's goal of achieving economy-wide carbon neutrality by 2050. To mobilize communities towards energy efficiency measures, it is important to understand the primary drivers and barriers that must be overcome through policymaking. This paper aims to review existing Energy Policies and Actions (EPA) in Portugal and assess their effectiveness in improving Energy Efficiency (EE) and reducing CO2 emissions in the building sector. The Local Energy Planning Assistant (LEPA) tool was used to model, test, validate and compare the implementation of current and alternative EPAs in the North of Portugal, including the national EE plan. The results indicate that electrification of heating and cooling, EE measures, and the proliferation of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) are crucial for achieving climate neutrality. The study found that the modelling of alternative EPAs can be improved to reduce investment costs and increase Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reduction. Among the alternatives assessed, the proposed one (Alternative 4) presents the best returns on investment in terms of cost savings and emissions reduction. It allows for 52% investment cost savings in the residential sector and 13% in the service sector when compared to the current national roadmap to carbon neutrality (Alternative 2). The estimated emission reduction in 2050 for Alternative 4 is 0.64% for the residential sector and 3.2% for the service sector when compared to Alternative 2.


Distributed Network-Constrained P2P Community-Based Market for Distribution Networks

Oliveira, C; Simoes, M; Bitencourt, L; Soares, T; Matos, MA;


Energy communities have been designed to empower consumers while maximizing the self-consumption of local renewable energy sources (RESs). Their presence in distribution systems can result in strong modifications in the operation and management of such systems, moving from a centralized operation to a distributed one. In this scope, this work proposes a distributed community-based local energy market that aims at minimizing the costs of each community member, accounting for the technical network constraints. The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) is adopted to distribute the market, and preserve, as much as possible, the privacy of the prosumers' assets, production, and demand. The proposed method is tested on a 10-bus medium voltage radial distribution network, in which each node contains a large prosumer, and the relaxed branch flow model is adopted to model the optimization problem. The market framework is proposed and modeled in a centralized and distributed fashion. Market clearing on a day-ahead basis is carried out taking into account actual energy exchanges, as generation from renewable sources is uncertain. The comparison between the centralized and distributed ADMM approach shows an 0.098% error for the nodes' voltages. The integrated OPF in the community-based market is a computational burden that increases the resolution of the market dispatch problem by about eight times the computation time, from 200.7 s (without OPF) to 1670.2 s. An important conclusion is that the proposed market structure guarantees that P2P exchanges avoid the violation of the network constraints, and ensures that community agents' can still benefit from the community-based architecture advantages.


Including Dynamic Security Constraints in Isolated Power Systems Unit Commitment/Economic Dispatch: a Machine Learning-based Approach

de Sousa, RP; Moreira, C; Carvalho, L; Matos, M;


Isolated power systems with high shares of renewables can require additional inertia as a complementary resource to assure the system operation in a dynamic safe region. This paper presents a methodology for the day-ahead Unit Commitment/ Economic Dispatch (UC/ED) for low-inertia power systems including dynamic security constraints for key frequency indicators computed by an Artificial Neural-Network (ANN)-supported Dynamic Security Assessment (DSA) tool. The ANN-supported DSA tool infers the system dynamic performance with respect to key frequency indicators following critical disturbances and computes the additional synchronous inertia that brings the system back to its dynamic security region, by dispatching Synchronous Condensers (SC) if required. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology proposed by enabling the system operation within safe frequency margins for a set of high relevance fault type contingencies while minimizing the additional costs associated with the SC operation.



Design of new energy policies and actions for the empowerment of consumers through energy communities

Sara Isabel Martins Capelo



Application of Multi-Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA) in Decision Making: Mineral Resource Projects Investment Evaluation

Andreas Tuhafeni Salom



Modeling energy sector integration using green hydrogen to define public policies and new regulatory support schemes to accelerate energy transition

Bruno Henrique Martins Santos



Dimensionamento e Localização de Dispositivos de Armazenamento

Vitor Eduardo da Silva Santos



Modeling energy sector integration using green hydrogen to define public policies and new regulatory support schemes to accelerate energy transition

Bruno Henrique Martins Santos
