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Economist and Master in Territorial Development and Public Policies from the Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and PhD in Public Policies, Strategies and Development from the Institute of Economics at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Manuel Victor Matos also completed post-doctoral research in 2022 at the Department of Environment and Planning at the University of Aveiro. Currently, Manuel is an assistant researcher on projects developed by the Center for Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship at the INESC TEC.

Acquiring experience in research on solid academic groups and consulting on projects for renowned institutions from both industry and government, the expertise and knowledge span topics related to the implications of exploitation and production of natural resources, energy economics, regional development, and public policy for science, technology, and innovation as well as industry.

The noteworthy findings in scientific publications and technical and policy reports concentrate on the relevance of tailored and adequate institutional planning and governance oriented towards strategic public policies that foster and enhance techno-economic, social, regional, and environmental development.



  • Name

    Manuel Victor Matos
  • Role

    Assistant Researcher
  • Since

    22nd May 2023


Institutional arrangements for water reuse: assessing challenges for the transition to water circularity

Riazi, F; Fidelis, T; Matos, MV; Sousa, MC; Teles, F; Roebeling, P;


Water scarcity and security drive attention to water reuse in policy and business. However, water reuse may generate new water loops and challenge water governance with new and different types of water, risks, involved actors, and responsibilities. These challenges demand robust institutional arrangements related to water governance. This article assesses the institutional arrangements associated with four case studies in Spain, Italy, Croatia, and Israel. The findings reveal that the more diverse the water uses and users, the more challenges and risks, particularly those associated with institutional arrangements such as quality standards, sanctions, and conflict prevention, are likely to emerge. The weaknesses of governance models and regulations to deal with changes, uncertainties, and public resistance call for special attention to the design of the institutional arrangements before the adoption. Independent of the type of technology adopted, governance may be improved by ensuring internal and external water monitoring; integrating water management with spatial concerns; improving training, expert engagement, and civil society awareness; and reducing water reuse costs. In addition, alternative models that guarantee the efficiency of governance in attaining objectives and assuring the participation of new water users in the management of water reuse loops may also improve governance.


The Role of Digital Transformation in the Oil Industry

Matos, MVMd;

Advances in E-Business Research - Handbook of Research on Smart Management for Digital Transformation

The Brazilian oil industry is facing a period of significant techno-economic challenges to meet the increase in reserves and production in ultra-deep waters. The subsea production system is an essential technological frontier to ensure the technical and economic viability of oil fields. Thus, the use of digital technologies fits in with these goals and already shows promising results, which stimulate companies in the development of digitalization. For this, the main aim of this chapter is to investigate the role of digital transformation to the subsea productive system of the Brazilian oil industry. By using the analytical and theoretical framework of innovation system, the author explores the relevance, capacity, and strategy developed for the use of digital transformation into subsea production system activities. It was possible to identify the critical features of techno-economic development and conclude that despite the existing capacity, coordination, interactions, and funding are issues to be promoted and improved.


A construção de um Eldorado? O projeto socialista do Orinoco como estratégia de desenvolvimento regional na Venezuela

Da Silva, RD; De Matos, MVM;

Revista Brasileira de Desenvolvimento Regional

O principal objetivo do artigo é apresentar as linhas gerais da importância da indústria petrolífera para a Venezuela a partir do estudo da tentativa de expansão produtiva e urbana em direção à faixa centro-oriental do território nacional sob os objetivos do Projeto Socialista do Orinoco (PSO). Baseado em revisão da literatura e análise de dados secundários, o trabalho discute a proposta de adensamento urbano e diversificação produtiva comandada pela grande indústria de petróleo, assinalando seus objetivos, suas características e os desafios enfrentados. O texto conclui que a proposta de crescimento econômico e diversificação, baseada na indústria de petróleo, mostrou-se frágil pela alta dependência inicial à conjuntura internacional favorável e por não conseguir superar problemas estruturais crônicos de longa data que afetam o país, tal como a valorização cambial, que atua no desestímulo à substituição de importações.



Silva, RDd; Matos, MVMd;

RDE - Revista de Desenvolvimento Econômico

O artigo discute a importância da indústria de petróleo para a economia do estado do Rio de Janeiro e municípios produtores. Através de dados, mostra o papel que o boom das commodities teve sobre a dinâmica econômica fluminense. Por fim, apresenta questõe