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Marco Amaro Oliveira holds a Master degree in Information Systems and is a Phd Student in Informatics Engineering. His research and development interests are in Complex Information Systems, Systems of Systems, Spatio-temporal information and Systems Interoperability.

At INESCTEC, since 2000, he worked as researcher and project manager in several R&D, auditing and knowledge transfer projects.

At Universidade da Maia is an invited professor since 2003.

In 2015 co-founded Mitmynid, Ltd, a startup built on knowledge and experience to upturn the Logistics Services with an adaptable and complementary solution for all aspect of transportation services.



  • Name

    Marco Amaro Oliveira
  • Role

    Area Manager
  • Since

    20th July 2000


The Iliad digital twins of the ocean: opportunities for citizen science

Parkinson, S; Ceccaroni, L; Edelist, D; Robertson, E; Horincar, R; Laudy, C; Ganchev, T; Markova, V; Pearlman, J; Simpson, P; Venus, V; Muchada, P; Kazanjian, G; Bye, BL; Oliveira, M; Paredes, H; Sprinks, J; Witter, A; Cruz, B; Das, K; Woods, SM;

ARPHA Proceedings - Change – The transformative power of citizen science



A catalyst for European cloud services in the era of data spaces, high-performance and edge computing: NOUS

Fernandez, AM; Ronco, EM; Remon, D; Rossini, R; Subic, T; Oliveira, MA; Duarte, CE; Nikoloudakis, N; Moreau, N; Moraitis, P; Hadjidimitriou, NS; Mamei, M; Krokidas, P; Rekatsinas, C; Dimitrakis, P; Giannakopoulos, G; Villaverde, DV; Alonso, RS;


Europe's position in the current cloud market needs to be improved. This market is currently dominated by non-European players by 75%, shaping the way that Europe is deploying and using cloud services. Although these players are bound to laws and regulations of foreign powers, such as PR China and USA, generating legitimate concerns for the EU, its businesses and citizens. EU's digital future resides on having installed secure, high-quality data processing capacity. This can only be offered by cloud services both centrally and at the edge. In this context NOUS's ambition is completely in line with the European Strategy for data as aims to create the foundations for a European Cloud Service which exploits the HPC network and tackles specific-to-the-EU-economy requirements as well as leverages different data spaces (Mobility, Energy, Green Deal and Manufacturing).


A Comparison of Point Set Registration Algorithms for Quantification of Change in Spatiotemporal Data

Gomes M.; De Carvalho A.V.; Oliveira M.A.; Carneiro E.;

Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI

Point Set Registration (PSR) algorithms have very different underlying theoretical models to define a process that calculates the alignment solution between two point clouds. The selection of a particular PSR algorithm can be based on the efficiency (time to compute the alignment) and accuracy (a measure of error using the estimated alignment). In our specific context, previous work used a CPD algorithm to detect and quantify change in spatiotemporal datasets composed of moving and shape-changing objects represented by a sequence of time stamped 2D polygon boundaries. Though the results were promising, we question if the selection of a particular PSR algorithm influences the results of detection and quantification of change. In this work we review and compare several PSR algorithms, characterize test datasets and used metrics, and perform tests for the selected datasets. The results show pyCPD and cyCPD implementations of CPD to be good alternatives and that BCPD can have potential to be yet another alternative. The results also show that detection and quantification accuracy change for some of the tested PSR implementations.


A Comparative Study on the Performance of the IB+ Tree and the I2B+ Tree

Carneiro, E; de Carvalho, AV; Oliveira, MA;

Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management

Index structures were often used to optimise fetch operations to external storage devices (secondary memory). Nowadays, this also holds for increasingly large amounts of data residing in main-memory (primary memory). Within this scope, this work focuses on index structures that efficiently insert, query and delete valid-time data from very large datasets. This work performs a comparative study on the performance of the Interval B+ tree (IB+ tree) and the Improved Interval B+ tree (I2B+ tree): a variant that improves the time-efficiency of the deletion operation by reducing the number of traversed nodes to access siblings. We performed an extensive analysis of the performance of two operations: insertions and deletions, on both index structures, using multiple datasets with growing volumes of data, distinct temporal distributions and tree parameters (time-split alpha and node order). Results confirm that the I2B+ tree globally outperforms the IB+ tree, since, on average, deletion operations are 7% faster, despite insertions requiring 2% more time. Furthermore, results also allowed to determine the key factors that augment the performance difference on deletions between both trees. Copyright © 2021 by Author/s and Licensed by Veritas Publications Ltd., UK.


Handling Privacy Preservation in a Software Ecosystem for the Querying and Processing of Deep Sequencing Data

Rocha, A; Costa, A; Oliveira, MA; Aguiar, A;


iReceptor Plus will enable researchers around the world to share and analyse huge immunological distributed datasets, from multiple countries, containing sequencing data pertaining to both healthy and sick individuals. Most of the Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire sequencing (AIRR-seq) data is currently stored and curated by individual labs, using a variety of tools and technologies.