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Maria Antónia Carravilla @ FEUP

Maria Antónia Carravilla is a teacher at Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (FEUP) since 1985, visiting professor at Universidade de São Paulo (USP), teacher at Porto Business School in the Executive and Magellan MBA's, and a researcher at INESC-TEC since 1990.

Maria Antónia is the Director of the Doctoral Program in Engineering and Industrial Management (PRODEGI @ FEUP) since 2016.

Maria Antónia Carravilla has been responsible for several R&D contracts with industry, services and public administration. These contracts resulted in reports and decision support systems that proved to be very useful tools for these organizations, leading to long-lasting collaborations with FEUP. The pure research contracts were mainly founded by FCT and are mainly related with the application of constraint programming to the resolution of nesting problems. The R&D contracts and the research contracts were the basis for the theses of several PhD students.

Maria Antónia Carravilla has been a member of the Executive Committee of FEUP for 9 years as Pro-Dean for management and control. She was the Director of the Financial Services and head of the Management Office of FEUP for 7 years. She has been responsible for the Jupiter Project that managed the move of FEUP to the new premises in 2000. She has also been responsible for the projects that resulted in the implementation in FEUP of workflows related with the Financial Services. Within the management office of FEUP she led studies related with indicators for higher education institutions and supervised a masters thesis on sustainability indicators for higher education institutions.

As a teacher at FEUP, Maria Antónia Carravilla has been responsible for several courses related with Operations Research, Operations Management and Logistics that were taught at the BSc, MSc and PhD levels. She has supervised MSc students whose theses were developed in academia as well as in industry.

Maria Antónia Carravilla received in 2009, the first time it has been awarded, FEUP’s Award for Pedagogical Excellence that aims to award the best teacher of FEUP for the past 5 years.

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  • Name

    Maria Antónia Carravilla
  • Role

    Centre Coordinator
  • Since

    01st November 1995


A GRASP-based multi-objective approach for the tuna purse seine fishing fleet routing problem

Granado, I; Silva, E; Carravilla, MA; Oliveira, JF; Hernando, L; Fernandes-Salvador, JA;


Nowadays, the world's fishing fleet uses 20% more fuel to catch the same amount offish compared to 30 years ago. Addressing this negative environmental and economic performance is crucial due to stricter emission regulations, rising fuel costs, and predicted declines in fish biomass and body sizes due to climate change. Investment in more efficient engines, larger ships and better fuel has been the main response, but this is only feasible in the long term at high infrastructure cost. An alternative is to optimize operations such as the routing of a fleet, which is an extremely complex problem due to its dynamic (time-dependent) moving target characteristics. To date, no other scientific work has approached this problem in its full complexity, i.e., as a dynamic vehicle routing problem with multiple time windows and moving targets. In this paper, two bi-objective mixed linear integer programming (MIP) models are presented, one for the static variant and another for the time-dependent variant. The bi-objective approaches allow to trade off the economic (e.g., probability of high catches) and environmental (e.g., fuel consumption) objectives. To overcome the limitations of exact solutions of the MIP models, a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure for the multi-objective problem (MO-GRASP) is proposed. The computational experiments demonstrate the good performance of the MO-GRASP algorithm with clearly different results when the importance of each objective is varied. In addition, computational experiments conducted on historical data prove the feasibility of applying the MO-GRASP algorithm in a real context and explore the benefits of joint planning (collaborative approach) compared to a non-collaborative strategy. Collaborative approaches enable the definition of better routes that may select slightly worse fishing and planting areas (2.9%), but in exchange fora significant reduction in fuel consumption (17.3%) and time at sea (10.1%) compared to non-collaborative strategies. The final experiment examines the importance of the collaborative approach when the number of available drifting fishing aggregation devices (dFADs) per vessel is reduced.


Heuristics for online three-dimensional packing problems and algorithm selection framework for semi-online with full look-ahead

Ali, S; Ramos, AG; Carravilla, MA; Oliveira, JF;


In online three-dimensional packing problems (3D-PPs), unlike offline problems, items arrive sequentially and require immediate packing decisions without any information about the quantities and sizes of the items to come. Heuristic methods are of great importance in solving online problems to find good solutions in a reasonable amount of time. However, the literature on heuristics for online problems is sparse. As our first contribution, we developed a pool of heuristics applicable to online 3D-PPs with complementary performance on different sets of instances. Computational results showed that in terms of the number of used bins, in all problem instances, at least one of our heuristics had a better or equal performance compared to existing heuristics in the literature. The developed heuristics are also fully applicable to an intermediate class between offline and online problems, referred to in this paper as a specific type of semi-online with full look-ahead, which has several practical applications. In this class, as in offline problems, complete information about all items is known in advance (i.e., full look-ahead); however, due to time or space constraints, as in online problems, items should be packed immediately in the order of their arrival. As our second contribution, we presented an algorithm selection framework, building on developed heuristics and utilizing prior information about items in this specific class of problems. We used supervised machine learning techniques to find the relationship between the features of problem instances and the performance of heuristics and to build a prediction model. The results indicate an 88% accuracy in predicting (identifying) the most promising heuristic(s) for solving any new instance from this class of problems.


Optimizing multi-attribute pricing plans with time- and location-dependent rates for different carsharing user profiles

Golalikhani, M; Oliveira, BB; Correia, GHD; Oliveira, JF; Carravilla, MA;


One of the main challenges of one-way carsharing systems is to maximize profit by attracting potential customers and utilizing the fleet efficiently. Pricing plans are mid or long-term decisions that affect customers' decision to join a carsharing system and may also be used to influence their travel behavior to increase fleet utilization e.g., favoring rentals on off-peak hours. These plans contain different attributes, such as registration fee, travel distance fee, and rental time fee, to attract various customer segments, considering their travel habits. This paper aims to bridge a gap between business practice and state of the art, moving from unique single-tariff plan assumptions to a realistic market offer of multi-attribute plans. To fill this gap, we develop a mixed-integer linear programming model and a solving method to optimize the value of plans' attributes that maximize carsharing operators' profit. Customer preferences are incorporated into the model through a discrete choice model, and the Brooklyn taxi trip dataset is used to identify specific customer segments, validate the model's results, and deliver relevant managerial insights. The results show that developing customized plans with time- and location-dependent rates allows the operators to increase profit compared to fixed-rate plans. Sensitivity analysis reveals how key parameters impact customer choices, pricing plans, and overall profit.


A stochastic programming approach to the cutting stock problem with usable leftovers

Cherri, AC; Cherri, LH; Oliveira, BB; Oliveira, JF; Carravilla, MA;


In cutting processes, one of the strategies to reduce raw material waste is to generate leftovers that are large enough to return to stock for future use. The length of these leftovers is important since waste is expected to be minimal when cutting these objects in the future. However, in several situations, future demand is unknown and evaluating the best length for the leftovers is challenging. Furthermore, it may not be economically feasible to manage a stock of leftovers with multiple lengths that may not result in minimal waste when cut. In this paper, we approached the cutting stock problem with the possibility of generating leftovers as a two-stage stochastic program with recourse. We approximated the demand levels for the different items by employing a finite set of scenarios. Also, we modeled different decisions made before and after uncertainties were revealed. We proposed a mathematical model to represent this problem and developed a column generation approach to solve it. We ran computational experi-ments with randomly generated instances, considering a representative set of scenarios with a varying probability distribution. The results validated the efficiency of the proposed approach and allowed us to derive insights on the value of modeling and tackling uncertainty in this problem. Overall, the results showed that the cutting stock problem with usable leftovers benefits from a modeling approach based on sequential decision-making points and from explicitly considering uncertainty in the model and the solution method. (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )


Mathematical models for the two-dimensional variable-sized cutting stock problem in the home textile industry

Salem, KH; Silva, E; Oliveira, JF; Carravilla, MA;


In this paper, we consider the two-dimensional Variable-Sized Cutting Stock Problem (2D-VSCSP) with guillotine constraint, applied to the home textile industry. This is a challenging class of real-world prob-lems where, given a set of predefined widths of fabric rolls and a set of piece types, the goal is to de-cide the widths and lengths of the fabric rolls to be produced, and to generate the cutting patterns to cut all demanded pieces. Each piece type considered has a rectangular shape with a specific width and length and a fixed demand to be respected. The main objective function is to minimize the total amount of the textile materials produced/cut to satisfy the demand. According to Wascher, Hau ss ner, & Schu-mann (2007), the addressed problem is a Cutting Stock Problem (CSP), as the demand for each item is greater than one. However, in the real-world application at stake, the demand for each item type is not very high (below ten for all item types). Therefore, addressing the problem as a Bin-Packing Problem (BPP), in which all items are considered to be different and have a unitary demand, was a possibility. For this reason, two approaches to solve the problems were devised, implemented, and tested: (1) a CSP model, based on the well-known Lodi and Monaci (2003) model (3 variants), and (2) an original BPP-based model. Our research shows that, for this level of demand, the new BPP model is more competitive than CSP models. We analyzed these different models and described their characteristics, namely the size and the quality of the linear programming relaxation bound for solving the basic mono-objective variant of the problem. We also propose an epsilon-constraint approach to deal with a bi-objective extension of the problem, in which the number of cutting patterns used must also be minimized. The quality of the models was evaluated through computational experiments on randomly generated instances, yielding promising results.(c) 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.



An integrated decision-support framework towards incorporating practical pricing decisions into carsharing systems

Masoud Golalikhani



Fulfilment Network Design

Alexandra Pereira Jesus Morais



Gestão do Portefólio de Projetos de Investigação, Desenvolvimento e Inovação no SGIFR: desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta web de apoio à gestão do conhecimento

Paulo Alexandre da Costa Mota



Designing the Green Supply Chain of the Future for a Luxury Fashion Platform

Francisca Baía Antunes



An integrated decision-support framework towards incorporating practical pricing decisions into carsharing systems

Masoud Golalikhani
